Links on Ancient Ports

ASTERIX et la MER, by Ouest-France (2021) will give you an enjoyable bird’s-eye view on the subjects of this project.

LE GÉNIE MARITIME ROMAIN, by G. Coulon & J-C. Golvin (2020), the best review to date of ancient maritime works.

PLEIADES – Historical geographic information about the ancient world

DARE – Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire

TOPOSText – Library of ancient texts married to a gazetteer

DARMC – Geodatabase of Ancient Ports and Harbours

SPP 1630 – Harbours from tyhe Roman Period to the Middle Ages

ROMAN PORTS on harbours, ships and overseas trade

Richard Tabler’s maps of Rome’s World, 2010

PLINY’s geography online, by AWMC – Ancient World Mapping Center

JP Brun’s courses on the Red Sea, 2011-2016

Tallet’s discoveries at Wadi el-Jarf, 2013

Egypt Exploration Society’s Delta Survey, 2016

Archaic and Classical Greek ports along Aegean and Eastern Ionic coasts, by Chiara Mauro, 2020

Mycenaean Atlas Project, by Bob Consoli

Limenoscope by Thetokis Theodoulou

Roman Era Names in Britain and Ireland


Romeinse kust in The Netherlands, by Tom Hazenberg

EAMENA: Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East & North Africa, Database

VICI – Archaeological Atlas of Antiquity

LIVIUS by Jona Lendering

HERODOTE by André Larané

Histoire de l’Egypte antique en 10 minutes

Hazlitt, The Classical Gazetteer, 1851

Dictionary of Greek & Roman Geography, 1854

Paulys Realencyclopädie, 1890-1980

Liste des Ports Antiques sur Wikipedia

INRAP – Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives

Franck Goddio Society

Alexander Belov’s bibliography on Ancient Egyptian Shipbuilding, Seafaring, Harbours and Navigation

Centre d’Etudes Alexandrines

Portus Project by the University of Southampton

Ostia Antica by Jan Theo Bakker

Leptis Magna

Ports antiques de Narbonne

Méditerranées – Antiquité by Agnès Vinas

Ancient Roman tiles and mosaics

Ancient toponymy by Antonio Sciarretta

Spartokos a lu, sur la Mer Noire

Hellenica by Michael Lahanas

Roman concrete by David Moore

Nic Flemming’s “Apollonia on my mind”, 2021
See also his “Humanity and a million years of sea level change”, 2014

Ken Trethewey’s Pharology on lighthouses

Navigation autour du Cap Corse

La marine antique by Francis Lévêque

Navigare necesse est

Naval Encyclopedia


Portolan charts by Tony Campbell

La conquête romaine par les amphores (video 51 min.)

Textes antiques Nimispauci

Textes antiques Philippe Remacle

Textes antiques UCL avec Moteur de recherche

The Trireme Trust


PIANC Guidance Document N°124, 2014 : “Dredging and Port Construction: Interactions with Features of Archaeological or Heritage Interest”

Leo van Rijn’s website on coastal sediment processes

Port Revel

Port Revel Video

Artelia’s Hydraulics Laboratory for hydraulic scale modelling and testing