Ancient Ports in Turkey

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Ancient port mentioned by ancient author(s)

Ancient port mentioned by modern author(s) only

Potential ancient harbour, from a nautical point of view

NB Ancient name Modern name
3101 Port of Sigeion, Stephanus’ Agamia? near Cape Sigee promontory NW of Kumkale, the port may have been located in a plain somewhere between Sigeum and Kumtepe, now silted up by R Scamandre (R Karamenderes)
3101.1 Kumtepe, neolithic settlement, now inland
3101.2 Alacaligöl, Kesik plain, with so called “Kesik canal” which is not man-made acc. to Kayan, 1995
3101.3 Achille’s tomb Sivritepe
3102 Achilleion, Achaeorum portus, port of the Achaeans north of probable landing beach of the Greeks during the Trojan war; Achaeans were also called Argives (or Danaans) by Homer, and Ahhiyawans by the Hittites and Denyen (or Danuna, Tanaju, Tanaya) by the Egyptians; today they are called ‘Mycenaeans’ Besik-Yassitepe, also called Paleo Kastro, just north of Besik beach (Kraft, 2003 suggests a landing place on the cliffs near Sigeion, but Kayan, 1991 is more convincing with Besik beach)
3102.1 Inlimani
3103 Boreios, on Tenedos, Tenedhos insula Bozcaada, neolithic settlement on the island Bozcaada in front of Troy, Troie
3104 Achaiion Hantepe, near Geyikli
3105 Port of Alexandria Troas, Indicaia Troas, Antigoneia de Troade Eski Stambul South of Dalyan, Dalayanköy
3106 Kolonai north Besiktepe, Besik-Tepe, near Tavakli
3106.1 Kolonai south Besiktepe, Besik-Tepe, near Tavakli
3107 Larisa, Larissa, Ptolemais Limantepe, near Tuzla
3107.1 Alesion Pedion, port of Tragasai, Scorpiata, on R Satnious Outlet of R Tuzla
3108 Hamaxitos, Harmatus, Harmatunte, Amaxiton Besiktepe, near Smintheion, Sanctuary of Apollo Smintheus, Gülpinar
3109 Chrysa, Chryse, port of Sminthe Apollon plaji, Göztepe
3109.1 Kilisecik
3109.2 Acidere Mevkii Köyü, İlyada Butik Otel, near Coskuntepe neolithic settlement
3110 Polimedion, Polymedium, Palamedium Sokakagzi, Asarliktepe, Sivrice Köyü
3110.1 Gümrük Burun
3110.2 R Biber Deresi, near Leventkaya Burun
3111 Port of Assos, Apollonia, Kekropeia Assos Iskele, Behram Kale
3111.1 Kadirga Köyü
3112 Gargara Nusratli Burnu, Igdeli Burnu, near Arikli
3113 Antandros Altinoluk, Avcilar Iskele, on R Oksijen, Sahindere
3113.1 near Aspaneus Roman villa between Altinoluk and Avcilar
3114 Astira, Astyria Ilica Köyü?
3115 Chryse? Port of Thebe? on R Killaios Akcay, Magara Tepe, on R Zeytinli
3116 Miletos near Coruk, on R Havran
3117 Port of Adramyttium, Adramytteion, Landermiti Ören Meydani, near Burhaniye Yat Limani, near R Karinca
3118 Port of Kisthene, Cisthene, Passandra Gömec
3119 Port of Koryphas, Coryphanta, Corifanio Keremköy, behind Cicek Adasi island
3120 Herakleia, Elateia? Ayvalik
3121 Pordoselene, Nasos, possible place for Oppian’s story Isle of Cunda Adasi, Alibey island
3122 port of Attea? Ersin Beyhan, near Altinova
3123 Malene, Melene, on R Grylios Bahçeli, on R Madra Cayi
3124 Karene? Assar Kaya
3125 Atarneus Kale Tepe, near Dikili
3126 Port of Canae, Kanai, Kane Prom. Karadag, near Bademli, island now connected to mainland
3127 Arginusa insulae, îles Arginuses Isles of Kalem, Garip, near Bademli (the third island being Karadag, now connected to mainland near Kane)
3128 Elaioussa insula Roman villa on Kizkulesi Mardalic Adasi
3129 Aternaeus sub Pitanem near Denizköy
3130 Pitane, main West port Chandarli West
3131 beaching on east side of peninsula, near outlet of R Kaikos, Caicus Chandarli East, near outlet of R Bakircay
3132 Port of Elea, Elaia, Elee, near R Kaïkos, Caicus, Astraeus, port of Pergamon, Pergamos, Bergama Naval base and commercial port at Kazikbaglar, on R Bakircay, R Aksu
3133 Grynia, Gryneion disappeared city near Yenisakran
3134 Achaion Limen, port of the Acheans Caltilidere
3135 Myrina, Myrine, maritime port North of Aliaga
3136 Myrina, Myrine, river port on R Piticos North of Aliaga, on R Güzelhisar
3137 Kyme, Cyme Phrikonis, Syme Nemrut Limani, South of Aliaga
3138 Ascanius portus, Ascanian port, Karteris, Carterias? Kyllene? Yenifoca
3139 Phokia, Phokaia, Phocaea, Phocee, Focae, Lamptera Eskiföca, Foca near Izmir
3140 Phokia, Phokaia, Phocaea, Phocee, Focae, Naustathmos Eskiföca, Foca near Izmir
3141 Leukai, Leucae, Leuce, Leuces insula, at outlet of R Hermeios, Hermos island Kus Cenneti, at Uc Tepeler, now connected to the continent, on R Gediz
3141.1 insula, at outlet of R Hermeios, Hermos Panaztepe, ancient island now connected to the continent, on R Gediz
3141.2 Larissa, Larisa Phrikonis, on R Hermeios, Hermos Buruncuk, on R Gediz
3141.3 Neon Teichos, Neonteikhos, on R Hermeios, Hermos Yanikköy, on R Gediz
3141.4 Herakleia in Lydia, Herakleia ad Sipylum, on R Hermeios, Hermos Emiralem, on R Gediz
3141.5 Sillyos, on former course of R Hermeios, Hermos Cigli?
3142 Palaia Smyrna, Naulochon, on R Meles Bayrakli, Izmir, on R Bornova Cayi, Meles Cayi
3143 Smyrna, Eurydikeia, near Pagos Mons Konak, Izmir, near Mount Kadifekale, with ancient lighthouse
3144 Port of Klazomenai, Clazomenae, Clazomenes, Chyton, Chytrion Liman Tepe, near Urla Iskele
3145 Port of Klazomenai, Clazomenae, Clazomenes Karantina island, near Urla Iskele
3145.1 Dubatepe
3145.2 Marathussa insula Yassica Ada island
3145.3 Pele insula Hekim Adasi island
3145.4 Drymussa insula Uzun Ada island
3146 Hypokremnos Cinderesi Kalesi, Gülbahce
3147 Polichna Balikliova?
3147.1 Sidousa insula? Buyuk Ada, in front of Karaburun
3148 Kybeleia Badembükü? near Parlak
3149 Helos, Boutheia? near Kücükbahce
3150 Phoenicous, Phaenikunte, port of the Phenicians Egri Liman?
3151 Pteleon near Karareis
3152 Erythrai, Erythras, Erythres Ildir, in front of Chios
3152.1 Yali
3153 Dalyanköy
3154 Boutheia, Minoan colony Cesme-Baglararasi
3155 Cissous, Cissus near the cape
3155.1 Arginon, Arginus Prom. near Altinkum Pirlanta Sitesi?
3156 Embaton, Embata Alacati, inside Agrilar Limani
3157 Erythras Nergiz Köyü
3158 Port of Mount Corycus, Korykos, Kasystes, Casystes, Cyssus, Cissous Kirkdilim Köyü near Teke Dagi,  Cape Koraka Burun
3159 Gökkovar Limani, Kokar
3160 Aerae, Erai Airai near Demircili
3161 Portus Gerrhaisticus, Gerraeidae, Cherraedae, Gerai, Gereste bay of Sigacik
3162 Port of Teos Teos Limani
3163 Myonnesos, Myonese insula Cifit Adasi, near Cape Doganbey Burun
3164 Macris, Makris at Cape Doganbey Burun
3165 Aspis insula, Arkonnesos, Ethalia? Doganbey Adasi island
3166 Lebedos, Lebedus, Ptolemais Urkmez, Kisikburnu
3167 Dioshieron Özdere
3168 Notion, Notium, port of Kolophon, Colophon and of Klaros, on R Hales Ahmetbeyli, near R Avci Cayi
3169 Syrie insula Korudag Tepe, on R Kücük Menderes
3170 Archaic port, sacred port, North of Artemision, Helibaton, Apasa capital city of Arzawa? Ayasoluk hill, near Selcuk, on R Kücük Menderes
3170.1 Cukurici Höyük, prehistoric site, near Selcuk
3171 Greek port at Koressos, Corissus, on R Kaystros North side of Panayirdag hill, near Selcuk, on R Kücük Menderes
3172 Hellenistic port of Ephesos, Arsinoe, on R Kaystros West side of Panayirdag hill, near Selcuk, on R Kücük Menderes
3173 Roman port of Ephesus, Ephese, at the foot of the Peion, Cheileton hill, on R Kaystros West side of Panayirdag hill, near Selcuk, on R Kücük Menderes
3174 Panormos, Panorme? on R Kaystros Canakgöl, near Selcuk, with possible lighthouse on top of hill, on R Kücük Menderes
3175 Outlet of R Kaystros Pamucak, near Selcuk, on R Kücük Menderes
3175.1 Nova Civitas, Late Medieval port of Ephesos Aqua Park Otel, near Selcuk
3176 Port of Phygela, Fygela, Neapolis Bayraklidede, near Tusan Beach Resort
3177 Marathesion Kusadasi South
3178 Anaia Kadikalesi
3179 Melle, Melia, port of  Panionion and Herakleion? near Güzelcamli
3180 Mycale, Mykale Prom. Erasistratios? Charadrous? Phokaia? Akadamis? Dilek Daglari, Lohmann’s western fort “MYK 64”, Lesagha
3181 Glauke Limen Dipburnu
3182 Port of Trogilion, Trogyllium Prom. Port Saint Nikolao, near Cape Doganbey, Dip Burnu
3183 Thebai, Battle of Mycale fought somewhere in this area in 479 BC near Karina
3184 Skolopoeis, on R Meander near Tuzburgazi
3185 Naulochos, on R Meander Atburgazi
3186 Priene, with two ports, on R Meander, Maiandros Güllübahce on the silted up outlet of R Meandre, Meander
3187 Maiandros, on R Meander Söke?
3188 Hybanda insula, on R Meander Özbasi, former island now inland
3189 Myus, Myonte, on R Meander near Afsar
3190 Pyrra, on R Meander near Sarikemer
3191 Herakleia ad Latmos, Pleistarcheia, near R Meander Kapikiri on Lake Bafa
3192 Port of Ioniapolis, near R Meander Bafa Gölü Ada, on Lake Bafa
3193 Miletos main port, Dokimos Harbour, on R Meander Milet, Lion Harbour
3194 Miletos archaic port, Minoan colony, Minoan & Mycenaean colony, called Milawanda, Milawatta by the Hittites, on R Meander Milet, Theater Harbour
3195 Miletos, on R Meander Milet, Athena Harbour
3196 Miletos commercial port Milet, Humeitepe
3197 Miletos commercial port Milet, Eastern Harbour
3198 Miletos commercial port Milet, Kalabek Tepe
3199 Lade, Lade, Lada insula, on R Meander now inland near Batiköy
3199.1 Asteria insula, on R Meander now inland at Batiköy, Mezar Tepe
3200 Panormum Milesiorum, Panormos, Panhormos, port of Didymes, Didyma, Hieronda, Jeronda Kovala Köyü, Mavisehir Mah.
3201 Posideion, Posidio Prom., Ankistron? Tekagac Burnu
3202 Port of Didymes, Didyma, Hieronda, Jeronda, archaic Branchidae Didyma
3203 Teichiussa, Teikhiousa Sapli Ada
3204 Iassos, Iasos, Bridas, Tyennessos, Minoan colony Kiyikislacik
3205 Passala, Mylasseorum navale, port of Mylas Sakiz, Bodrum airport
3206 Bargylia, Bargyla, Bargulia, Barcylos, port of Mylasa, Milas Varvil, near Bogazici
3207 Karyanda on the isle of Caryande Isle of Salih Adasi
3208 Küyücak
3209 Siralik
3210 Panormo Caryandae, Karyanda, Neapolis Türkbükü, Gölköy, with Mycenaean tomb at Dirmil/Gökcebel, 3 km E of modern marina
3211 Ouranion SE Yalikavak, Karain tepe – Geris
3212 Koyunbaba, ancient quarry
3213 Myndus, Myndos “West Harbour” Gümüslük, Bati Limani
3214 Myndus, Myndos “East harbour” Gümüslük, Dogu Limani
3215 Palaia Myndos Bozdag, near Kadikalesi
3216 Kymnissa Akce Köy
3217 Strobilos, port of Termera Aspat, with Mycenaean tombs at Assarlik at 3 km NW
3218 Halicarnassus, port of Pedasa, Portus Secretus, small naval base Bodrum, with Mycenaean settlement at Ortakent-Müsgebi
3219 Halicarnassus, slipway? on south side of Zephyria Island Bodrum, south of Zephyrion castle
3220 Halicarnassus, large commercial port Bodrum marina
3220.1 Arkonnesos, Arconnesus insula Kara Ada island
3221 Amynanda Alakisla Yalisi, Kissebükü koyu
3221.1 Asagi Mazi
3222 Port of Pargasa, Bargasa Cökertme? near Gökbel
3223 Ceramus, Keramos Ören, on R Kocacay
3224 Hayitli
3225 Port of Idyma Akyaka, inside the gulf of Gökova
3226 Ferek
3227 Kallipolis, port of Euthane? Camli, Gökova Limani
3228 Kedreai, Cedreae, Cedrae insula, Cleopatra insula Isle of Sedir, Sehiroglu, Adasi inside the gulf of Gökova
3229 Amnista, port of Euthane? Sögüt, near Karaca
3230 Okluk Köyü, inside Degirmen Bükü
3231 Ingilizi Limani, inside Degirmen Bükü
3232 Kapicikada Tepesi
3233 Büyük Cati
3234 Knidos, Cnidus, naval base, ancient Triopion Cnide West, former isle of Triopion now connected to mainland, Cape Kriou
3235 Knidos, Cnidus, commercial port, ancient Triopion Cnide East, former isle of Triopion now connected to mainland, Cape Kriou, with possible ancient lighthouse
3236 Port of Palaia Knidos, archaic Knidos Datca, Burgaz
3237 Port of Palaia Knidos, archaic Knidos Datca, Burgaz
3238 Port of Palaia Knidos, archaic Knidos Datca, Burgaz
3239 Emecik
3240 Arapmezari Köyü
3241 Port of Bybassos, Boubassos, Bubassius, Bybastos, Boubastos Hisarönü, near Marmaris
3242 Aulai Orhaniye, in the bay of Keci Bükü
3242.1 Camcalik Burnu, submerged BA settlement
3243 Hygassos near Turgutkale in the bay of Losta
3244 Hydas, in Schoenus Sinus Selimiye
3245 Kargincik Köyü
3245.1 Agil Köyü
3246 Port of Tymnos, Thymnias Bozburun Limani
3246.1 near Kiseli Adasi
3247 Thyssanous, Thyssanusa, Tisanusa, port of Phoinix? Sögüt Kissebükü
3247.1 Thyssanous, Thyssanusa, Tisanusa, port of Phoinix? Sögüt Saranda
3248 Kasara, Casara Asardibi, in front of Taslica Adasi island
3249 Larymna near Incirli Ada island
3249.1 Larymna 2 near Incirli Ada island
3250 Loryma, Loryme Arsenal Bay, Bozukkale in front of Rhodes
3251 bay of Kressa, Cressa, Cresso Serce Limani
3252 Gelos, Tlos SE of Kasara
3253 Elaousa, Eleoussa, Lagoussa, Sebaste insula Kizil Adasi island South of Taslica, nearest point of Rhodes island
3254 Phalaro creek sheltered by the isle of Arap Adasi?
3255 Tracheia Marsa, Trakiyah, Traquia, Trangila Gerbekse
3256 Port of Syrna, west of Poseidion, Posidio Prom. Ciftlik Köyü , west of Hayirsiz Burun
3257 Amos, Samos, Samo, Agne? Kumlubük
3258 Physkos, Physcus Marmaris
3259 Aksaz modern naval base, in Karaagac Limani
3260 Pyrnos near Aksaz, in Karaagac Limani
3261 Rhopousa, Rhodusa insula, Roxa, Larossa, Linosa Isle of Yilancik Adasi
3261.1 Leukopagos near Kezil Burun or Incecik Burun or Güdük Burun?
3261.2 Prinassos near Ekincik?
3262 Karpasyanda? Kiziltepe
3263 Kaunos, Caunus, archaic Kbid, at the outlet of R Calbis Sülüklü Gölü, near Dalyan on R Dalyan, Strabo, 14, 2 mentions shipsheds and a closable harbour (possibly between towers T4 & T5)
3263.1 Kaunos, Caunus, archaic Kbid, at the outlet of R Calbis South port, now silted up, on R Dalyan
3264 Port of Pasanda, Pasada, Pisilis? Sülüngür Gölü near Gökbel?
3265 Cymaria, Kymaria Kargicak Köyü
3266 Caunion Panormos? Pisilis? Sarigerme, possibly near R Dalaman Cayi
3267 Ankon, Angkon Glaukos, Cubito Glaucus sinus Gökgemile Köyü, inside Gungormez Limani?
3268 Pedalio Prom., Pentale, Pendale, near Rhopisa insula Cape Kurtoglu Burun, Kapidag peninsula, near Domuz Adasi
3269 Port of Lydai, Clydis, Chydai, Klydas, Kochlia Kizilkuyruk Köyü, Aga Limani
3270 Telandros, Telandria insula Isle of Tersane Adasi
3270.1 Nero Nisi island, Rhopisa insula? North side of isle of Domuz Adasi
3270.2 Nero Nisi island, Rhopisa insula? SW side of isle of Domuz Adasi
3271 Kapikiri, Kapi Creek
3271.1 Binlik bay
3272 Arymaxa Hamam Köyü, Ruin’s Bay, where Cleopatra stopped twice, at SW end of Scopea Bay
3273 Port of Lissa Sarsala Köyü
3274 Krya, Kroua, Karoua, Crya, Cryis, Crouai, Cytria Taskaya, Tasyaka
3274.1 Between Zeytinli and Seytan islands
3274.2 Alina insula? Yassica Adalari island
3274.3 Göcek island
3275 Kallimache, Callimache, archaic Hyparna? Göcek
3276 Port of Daedalis, Daedala? Inlice
3277 Lagussa, Lagousa insula Isle of Kizil Adasi
3278 Gulf of Glaucus, Glaukos, Gulf of Makri, Macri Gulf of Fethiye Körfesi
3278.1 Makri, Makre insula Fethiye island, Sövalye Adasi, Ile Chevalier
3279 Telemensos, Telemessis, Telmessus, Telmesso, Telmissos, Thelmisse Fethiye
3280 Tersane bay on islet near Karacaören island
3281 Lebissos insula Isle of Gemiler Adasi, Saint Nikolo island, pirates’ stronghold attacked by Pompey in 67 BC
3282 Cissidibus, Kissidae, port of Karmylessos? Bestas Limani, Cold Water Bay? at the toe of Kayaköy village and the ghost town of Levisse, Livisi
3283 Sybola? Port of the Symbolon? Ölüdeniz lagoon, where Pompey anchored his fleet before the attack of the pirates of island Gemiler Adasi in 67 BC
3284 Perdikiai, Perdiciis, Pertichee, Artymnissos, port of Pinara Ködürümsü Limani, Faralya, Butterfly Valley
3285 Kalabantia, Kalabatia, Calabantiis, port of Sidyma Sancakli Köyü
3285.1 Hiera Akra Prom. Kötü Burun, Yedi Burun
3285.2 port of Sidyma? Gavur Kalesi
3286 Pydnay, Pydnai, Kydna? Gavur Agli and Bükses, near Karadere
3287 Letoon, on navigable R Xanthos, R Sibris Kumluova, on R Esin Cayi
3288 port of Xanthos, at outlet of navigable R Xanthos, R Sibris possibly south of Letoon, at ancient outlet of R Esin Cayi
3289 Port of Patara, Arsinoe, port of Xanthos, on R Xanthos Tepecik hill, near Gelemis, with ancient lighthouse
3290 Phoinike in front of Xenagorae, Enagorae insulae Kalkan in front of Kalkan Adasi islands
3291 Habesos, Antiphellus, port of Phellos Port Longos, Kas in front of the isle of Megisti
3292 Sebeda Limanagzi, Bayindir Liman
3293 Port of Akroterion Prom. Yaglica Köyü, refuge shelter before sailing west around cape Uluburun
3294 Aperlis, Aperlai, Aperiae Sicak Iskelesi, inside the bay near Kilincli
3295 Aperlis, Aperlai, Aperiae east port Pölemos Bükü
3296 Xera, on Dolichiste insula Tersane Köyü on the isle of Kekova Adasi
3297 Teimioussa, Timioussa, Tristomon, Talmussa Kaleücagiz, Ücagiz Limani
3298 Somenis, Somena, Simena Yat Limani, Kaleköy, in front of the isle of Kekova Adasi
3299 Istlada Gökkaya near the isle of Kekova Adasi
3300 Andriace, Andriake, Adriake, Andria, port of Myra, Myres, on R Andrakos, near R Myra Andraki, near R Demre
3301 Ision, Iseios pyrgos, Isio turre, Daseia Gök Liman?
3302 Guvercin Adasi island
3303 Andrea Doria Köyü
3304 Phoinix, Phoenicus, port of Lamyro, Limyra, Almyra, on R Lamyros, Almyron Finike, with Limira at Aktasharabeleri, at the toe of the hill, on R Karadin Cayi, R Akcay Cayi
3304.1 Corydala, Korydala, Corydalla, Korydalla, near ancient Rhodiapolis Haciveliler near Kumluca
3305 Gagai, Gagae, Gagis, Palaion Teichos Mavikent, near Kumluca
3306 Papaz Iskelesi
3307 Melanippion, Melanippe Korsan Köyü, Karaöz Limani
3308 Chelidoniae insulae, iles Chelidoniennes, Chelidonian islands, in front of Hiera Akra, Sacrum Prom., Tauri Prom. Besadalar, five islands in front of cape Gelidonya Burnu, Taslik Burnu, with famous Mycenaean shipwreck
3309 shingle beach in front of Suluada
3310 Moron Hydor, Aquae Regiae, Fontana Amorosa, Aqua Morosa Sulu Adasi island
3311 Posidarisuntos, Siderous Limen, Sidarus Adrasan bay, Cavus Köyü
3311.1 Krambousa, Crambusa, Gambruxia, Gambruse, Dyonisias insula? Karaca Limani, Porto Ceneviz Köyü
3312 Phoinicous, port of Olympos, Hadrianopolis, on R Phoenicunte Olimpos on R Göksü
3313 Port of Korykos, Coryco, Korakion Maden Köyü
3314 Phaselis, Phaselide, Southern harbour Phaselis Güney Limani, Fasilis Harabeleri, near Tekirova
3314.1 Phaselis, Phaselide, Naval base Fasilis Harabeleri, near Tekirova
3314.2 Phaselis, Phaselide, Northern anchorage Fasilis Harabeleri, near Tekirova
3314.3 Phaselis, Phaselide, Inner harbour Fasilis Harabeleri, near Tekirova
3315 R Idyros Agva, Camyuva, on R Kemer Cayi
3316 Idyros Kemer
3317 Lyrnanta, Lyrnas, Lyrnessos, Lyrnanteia insula Ile aux souris, Mice island, Sican Adasi
3318 Tenedos and Olbia bridge Arapsu bridge, near the outlet of R Boga
3319 Port of Ataleia, Attalis, Adalia, Adalya, port of Perge Antalya
3320 Mygdalis, Mygdale Antalya, near Genclik?
3321 outlet of R Kataraktes South of Antalya airport, near Düden Cayi waterfalls
3322 Masura, Magydos, Mygalos Lara, Muratpasa? with submerged breakwaters?
3323 Rhixoupous, Rhouskopous, Rhuscopode near Lara Beach? Kemeragzi
3324 Emporion, port of Perge, Pergé, Perga, Prege, Parha, near outlet of R Kestros, Cestro outlet of R Aksu
3325 Kynosarion, Cynosario near Belek?
3326 outlet of R Eurymedon, navigable to Aspendos, Primoupolis outlet of R Köprü Cayi
3327 Seleukeia, Seleucie de Pamphilie Kisalar, near Perakende, on R Peri Cayi
3328 Side, Sidé, Sida Selimiye, with possible ancient lighthouse, famous for its sedimentation
3329 R Melas, Melane outlet of R Manavgat near Side, navigable
3330 Artemidos Naou, Dianae templo near Kizilot?
3331 Outlet of R Alara Cayi
3332 Kyberna, Kibyra, Kibyra Mikra, Cybria Minor, Justiniapolis Karaburun, near R Alara Cayi
3333 Ptolemais, Leukotheion, Leukothea, Leucolla Prom. Aynaligöl bay on cape Figla Burnu, near Türkler
3333.1 Türkler, east of Eftalia Ocean Hotel
3334 Augai, Augae, Augis Konakli
3335 Aunesis, Annisin, port of Hamaxia, Anaxia, Anaxion, Arsinoe of Pamphylia? SE of Elikezik
3336 Korakesion, Coracesium, Korakion, Coryphe? Alanya
3337 port of Laertes, Mylome Mahmutlar
3338 Nauloi, Naulous, Nawlan, Port of Syedra Cokkilise, near Seki
3339 Iotape Aydap İskelesi
3340 Selinous, Sellinus, Selinuntos, Selinonte, Traianopolis, archaic Saranduwa? on R Selinous Kale Burnu, Gazipasa Limani, on R Inceagri
3341 Kaystros, Kestros, east of Nesiazousa Prom. Kilisebeleni, east of Selinti Burnu
3342 port of Zephelios, Nephelios, Nephelis, Iouliosebaste? Güney Kalezi near Muzkent
3343 Kragos, Antiochia ad Kragum, Antiochia Parva, Antiochette near Güneyköy
3344 Fort of Charadrus, Charadros, Chalandros, on R Charadros Yakacik, Kalediran, on R Kalodran Cayi
3345 Platanous, Platanistos, Plantanistum, Platanunte Mellec near Demirören
3346 Anamorium, Anemurios, Anemourin, Anemorion, Anemone, Anemourium, Anemoriun, Anamor, Astalimure, Stallimuri, Stallimuro, in front of Cyprus across the Cilicius Aulon Anamur
3347 Rygmanoi, Rhygmanis? Mamuriye, at oulet of R Orymagdos, Dragante Mamure Castle, on Anamur Cayi
3348 Nagidos Pasabeleni Tepesi, Bozyasi, at outlet of R Sini Cayi
3349 Arsinoe of Cilicia, port of Setos, Syke Güneysu Köyü, near Softa Kalesi
3350 Dionysiophanis, near Poseideion prom. Roman villa East of Tekmen, near Kiziliman Burnu
3351 Mandane Tekeli
3352 Mellaxia, Melania, Myous? Mysanda? Myanda? Soguksu near Yenikas
3353 Kelenderis, Celenderis, Calenderis Gilindere-Aydincik
3354 Spurie island Yilanli, Yilanli Ada
3355 Berenice of Cilicia, Kolpos Bernike Kurtini Köyü? near Sancak Burnu
3356 Pisourgia, Pisurgiis Sipahili Limani, Babali Limani
3357 Krambousa insula, Papadola Besparmak Adasi, Babali Adasi
3358 Port near Craunoi Prom., Crunis, Crionaro, Kavo Kolaro Büyükeceli
3359 Kiphisos, Cephiso, Kormadias, Melane, on R Melas? Yesilovacik
3360 Aphrodisias, Aphrodite’s port, Oppidum Veneris, Porto Cavaliere, north of Zephyrion Prom., in front of Cyprus across the Cilicius Aulon Tisan Köyü, Ovacik Adasi, north of cape Bölükada Burnu
3361 Pityusse, Pityoussa insula, Provenzale, Petrossa? Isle of Dana Adasi, with quarries and/or slipways in the northern coast
3362 Port of Philaia, Palaiai, Palaea Tahti Köyü, Tahta Limani
3363 Portus Nesulium, Nesoulion, Asteria insula, Portus Pini Agalimani behind Bogsak Adasi island
3364 Mylai, Mylas Manastir, near Tasucu
3365 Holmoi, Holmis, Hermia? Hyria? Possibly the first location of Seleucia ad Calycadnum, archaic Ura, Oura, Hyria, port of Olba? Tasucu? Possible archaic outlet of R Göksu which has wandered much since antiquity, possibly from Tasucu on the West side to Atakent on the East side
3366 Seleucia ad Calycadnum, Seleucie de Kalykadnos Silifke, Hüdüde, with Roman bridge on R Göksü
3367 R Calydunos, Calycadnos, near Poïkile Petra? possibly near Esenbel
3368 Sichinum Sökun, possible Roman outlet of R Göksu which may have moved from west to east via the narrow sand spit of Incekum Burnu (ancient Sarpedonia Prom.)
3369 Persente, Pseudokorasion? near Sazbasi?
3370 Korasion, Pulchrum Coracesium, Kalon Korakesion Yaprak Köyü, Susanoglu
3370.1 Kizlar Hamami Koyu
3371 Arima? Krine? Narlikuyu, Porto Calamie
3372 Port of Corycos, Korikos, Corycus Kizkalesi, with Kizkalezi island and Maiden Castle, possibly connected to the mainland in ancient times, thus creating a large harbour on the eastern side
3373 North harbour, Elaeussa, Elaeousa, Elaiussa Sebaste, Elaious, Elaiunta Ayas near Yemiskumu, former island now connected to mainland
3373.1 South harbour, Elaeussa, Elaeousa, Elaiussa Sebaste, Elaious, Elaiunta Ayas near Yemiskumu, former island now connected to mainland
3374 Akkale Akkale near Kumkuyu
3375 Lamos, on R Lamos, Lamia Byzantine fort at Limonlu, on R Limonlu
3376 Kalanthia, Calanthia Erdemli, on R Sorgun
3377 Port of Soles, Soli, Soloi, Pompeiopolis, Pompeioupolis, Sebaste? Archaic Ellipra? on R Liparis Viransehir, Mezitli, west of Mersin, on R Mezitli
3378 Anchialeia, Anchiale, archaic Elipru, Pitura Yumuktepe, near Mersin, on R Müftü, R Efrenk
3379 Zephyrion, Hadrianopolis Mersin, at outlet of R Deli Cayi
3380 Aulai, Aulae Kazanli, near Mersin-Karaduvar
3381 Tarsos, Tarsha, Tarzi, Tarsa, Tarz, Tarzi, Terz, Tersi, Tersos, Tharsos, Antiochia ad Kydnum, archaic Illubru, archaic Olymbrus, Iuliopolis, Antoniane, Makreiniane, Severiane, Komodiane, on R Cydnos, Biblical Tarshish? (a more plausible option is Tartessos in Spain) Gözlükule, Tarsus, on R Tarsus, with Karabucak swamps south of it
3381.1 Aliefendioglu Höyük
3382 Lake Rhegma, Rhegmoi, Rhogmi, Rhegmi, portus Tarsensis, port of Tarsus, near R Kydnos Aynaz Batakligi swamps, Kulak, near outlet of R Tarsus
3383 Rhoexus, Rhoixos, at outlet of R Saros, Sarus, Syrus, Areios, Koipanos Possibly around Tabaklar, near ancient outlet of R Seyhan
3384 Adana, Adena, Athena, Αzara, Antiochia ad Sarum on R Saros Adana, Tepebag Höyük, on R Seyhan
3385 port of Mallos, Magarsos, Antiochia ad Pyrmum, Pania, Paionia? Cape Karatas Fener Burnu, according to Arnaud
3386 Antiochia ad Pyrmum, Magarsa, Magarsos, Mallo, Mallos on R Pyramos, near Ionia, Ianouaria, Januario, Cephala, Kephalen Prom. 3 names for one single place, according to Arnaud, near Cape Karatas Fener Burnu
3387 Didymis insulae, port of Mallos: Pania, Paionia? isles of Karatas Adasi
3388 Zephyrion Bahce?
3389 Serretillis, Serraipolis, Seretila, Serraipolis Kome, on R Pyramos Sirintilimin Cintlik, near Bebeli at the ancient outlet of R Ceyhan
3390 Domuz Tepe, on R Ceyhan
3390.1 Nergis, on R Ceyhan
3391 Mallos?? on R Pyramos Ancient bridge at Kiziltahta, on R Ceyhan, this place is thought by some to be Mallos
3391.1 Mopsuestia, Mopsos, Seleucia ad Pyramum, Hadriana, on R Pyramos Misis, Mycenaean settlement on R Ceyhan
3391.2 on R Pyramos Sirkeli could possibly be reached by sea ships, on R Ceyhan
3392 Port of Aigaiai, Aigai, Aigeia, Aegaeae, Aegeae, Aegae Ayas, near Yumurtalik
3393 Halai, Alai, Alon, Alas, Ale, Alenion Pedion, Campi Alei near the Sugözü power station
3394 Ammonos Pylae, Amanides Pylae, Amanicas Portas, Portae Amani montis, Amane Muttalip, Mutlubake, Karanlik Kapi, near Issos Harabeleri and Deli Halil settlements
3394.1 Katabolos, Catabolo Kücük Burnaz
3394.2 port of Oeniandos, Epiphaneia? Karahüyük, on R Erzin, 5 km SSW of Gözeneler
3395 Issus, Issos, Aminsos, Amisos, Nikopolis Kinet Höyük, Yesil
3396 Hieron, Fano near Dörtyol, outlet of R Deli Cay
3397 Baiae, on R Pinaros, Pinaron Payas, on R Payas
3398 Karayilan
3399 Kodrigai, on R Karsos, Portis Ciliciae, Kilikiai Pylai, Pylae Ciliciae, Alexandreia kat’isson? “Pillars of Jonas”, Sariseki Kalesi
3400 Port of Alexandria ad Issum, Indicaia ad Issos, Indicaia Scabiosa, Alexandreia kat’Isson, Alexandria Kabissos, Alexandria Kambiosa, Alexandria Scabiosa, Cambysopolis, Alexandria Mikra, Alexandria Minor, Alexandret(t)a Iskenderun, Alexandretta, Indicatte, hypothetical location north of the Technical University, this may also have been the port of Myriandros?
3401 Myriandos, Myriandros, sea gateway of Syria via the Syriai Pylai, Syriae Portae in Amanos Oros, Alexandria Scabiosa? Ada Tepe, near Karaagac, at the toe of the Belen pass leading into Syria through the Nur Mountains, its port may have been located at Alexandretta?
3402 Antioch of Pieria, Rhosium, Rhossaion, Rhossos Kolpos, Rhossaeoi, Arosos, Aradus, Port Bonnel Arsuz, near Ulucinar
3403 Burunlu
3404 Rhossikos Skopelos,  Cephalorion, Rhosos Prom., near Mount Pterygion, Terdnia Cape Hinzir Burun, Ras el-Khanzir, near Mount Karadag
3404.1 Georgia, Georgiis near Kale? or Konacik?
3405 Seleukeia, Seleucia Pieria, Seleucie de Pierie, Hydatos Potamoi, home port of Classis Syriaca fleet Cevlik, port of Antioch of Daphne, outer harbour on the coast, near the Titus tunnels
3406 Seleukeia, Seleucia Pieria, Seleucie de Pierie, Hydatos Potamoi, Potamous Karon, home port of Classis Syriaca fleet Cevlik, port of Antioch of Daphne, inner harbour at the toe of the hill, on R Degirmendere
3407 Antiochia ad Orontem, Antiochia ad Daphnen, Antiocheia Daphnei, Antigoneia, port of Antioch, on R Dracon, archaic Iarmuti, Iarimuta, Iarimmuta? Al-Mina, at the outlet of R Oronte, R Asi, near Antakya
3407.1 Mezar Tepe, on R Oronte, R Asi, near Antakya
3408 Bytyllion Karabicak, Qarabdjaq, near Meydan?
3409 Nymphaion, Balaneion Tiberinon near Meydan?
3410 Makra, Longa insula Pigeon island?