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Ancient port mentioned by ancient author(s)
Ancient port mentioned by modern author(s) only
Potential ancient harbour, from a nautical point of view
NB | Ancient name | Modern name |
172 | Oiasso, Olarso, Oeasoun, Oyarzun | Estuary of R Bidasoa, Irun ; export of silver & lead ; shipwreck at Cala de Asturiaga |
172.1 | Cala de Asturiaga, cape Higer | |
172.2 | San Sebastien | |
172.3 | Santa Maria la Real, at Zarauz, Zarautz | |
173 | Menosca | Guetaria |
174 | Lekeitio, Lequeitio | |
175 | Vesperies? | Portuondo, on Ria de Guernica, Gernika |
175.1 | Forua, on Ria de Guernica, Gernika | |
175.2 | Castro de Kosnoaga | |
175.3 | Bermeo | |
176 | Berreaga, with possible beaching at Plencia | |
176.1 | Portugalete, on Ria de Bilbao | |
177 | Flaviobriga, Portus Amanum, Port of the Amanes | Castro Urdiales |
178 | Punta Pilota | |
178.1 | PPico del Hacha | |
179 | Traiectum | Treto, on R Ason |
179.1 | Santona, Roman villa at Santa Maria del Puerto church | |
179.2 | Monte Cincho | |
179.3 | La Sorrozuela, on Ria de Ajo | |
180 | Sauga? | Pedrena, on R Miera |
181 | Portus Victrix, Portus Victoriae Iuliobrigensium, Port of Juliobrigiens’ Victory | Calle San Fernando, Santander (note that Juliobriga is located near Reinosa) |
181.1 | Istmo de la Magdalena, Santander | |
181.2 | Cueto de Mogro, on Ria de Mogro | |
182 | Portus Blendium | Suances, on R Saja-Besaya |
183 | Portus Veseiasueca, Vereasuecae | San Vicente de la Barquera |
184 | Castillo de Prellezo, Val de San Vicente | |
184.1 | Ribadesella | |
184.2 | La Isla, near Colunga | |
185 | Pico Castiello, Moriyon, Villaviciosa | |
185.1 | Punta de Rodiles, on Ria de Villaviciosa | |
186 | Gigia | Gijon, Cerro de Santa Catalina, with fish processing factory at Plaza del Marques |
187 | Noega | Roman fort at Campa Torres, Gijon, with lighthouse Torre Augusto |
188 | Roman villa at Banugues, Gozon | |
188.1 | Roman fort at El Cantu la Figal, at Nieva, on Ria de Aviles | |
188.1 | Roman fort at El Penon de Raices, on Ria de Aviles | |
189 | Roman fort at El Castillo de San Martín, Soto del Barco, on Ria Nalon-Narcea | |
189.1 | Plaza de Muros, at Muros de Nalon | |
190 | Flavionavia | Santianes, Pravia |
190.1 | Gold mine near Cadavedo beach | |
190.2 | Castro de Mohias | |
190.3 | Castro de Coana | |
190.4 | Castro de la Punta de Figueira | |
190.5 | Castro Castellon, west of Permenande beach | |
190.6 | Castro de Cabo Blanco | |
190.7 | Castro del Figo, Castreda | |
190.8 | Castro del Esteiro, west of La Paloma beach | |
190.9 | Castro del Corno, Pena Rubia, at Villadun de Barres | |
191 | Castro de Pineira | |
191.1 | Castro de Meirengos, and many other castros between this one and San Cyprien | |
191.2 | Castro de Fazouro | |
191.3 | Roman villa near Playa de Area, on Ria de Viveiro | |
191.4 | Castro Vilela, on Ria del Barqueiro | |
192 | Coido de Bares | |
193 | Roman villa at Espasante, on Ria de Ortigueira | |
193.1 | Castro Tallo, Punta dos Prados, and many others castros on this Ria de Ortigueira | |
194 | Maior, Coto da Croa | |
195 | Roman villa at San Xeao de Trebo chapel | |
196 | Castro de Lobadiz | |
196.1 | Roman villa at Carino | |
197 | Magnus Portus Artabrorum, Artabron Limen, Portus Artaboi, Port of the Artabres | El Ferrol (Mela’s description fits best to El Ferrol) |
197.1 | Longaras, at Gandara beach, and 3 castros on this Ria de Ferrol | |
198 | Roman villa at Noville | |
199 | Mea, Caldoval, East of Mugardos | |
200 | Roman villa at Sopazos, near Puentedeume, on Ria de Ares | |
200.1 | Roman villa at Centrona, on Ria de Ares | |
200.2 | O Castro, A Insua, and many others castros upstreams of this Ria de Betanzos | |
200.3 | Roman villa at Carnoedo, on Ria de Betanzos | |
200.4 | Roman villa at Lorbe, on Ria de Betanzos | |
200.5 | Roman villa at Ponte Pasaxe, on Ria de Coruna | |
200.6 | Castro Elvina | |
201 | Brigantum, Brigantia, Flavium Brigantium, Ad Columnam | La Coruna, Corogna, Corogne, with its famous ancient lighthouse Torre Hercules & castro Torres de Padin |
202 | Castellum Aviliobris | Cores, near Ponteceso |
203 | Camarinas | |
204 | Artabron Limen, Portus Artaboi, Port of the Artabres? Avienus’ Oestrymnis, Oestriminis in this area? | Fisterra |
205 | Portus Ebora, Noouion, on R Tamaris | Noia in the Ria de Muros y Noya, on R Tambre |
206 | Castro Barona | |
206.1 | Castro de Achadizo | |
206.2 | Castro Grande de Neixon | |
207 | Glandimirum, on R Sars, & Iria Flavia | Pontecesures, on R Ulla |
208 | Turris Augusti, on R Sars | Torres del Oeste, Catoira, Pontevedra, on R Ulla |
209 | Roman villa at Villagarcia de Arosa | |
210 | Roman villa at Praia do Naso, on Arosa, Arousa Island, with Neolithic settlement on Areoso Island | |
211 | Isla Toxa Grande | |
212 | Roman villa at Adro Vello | |
213 | Castro A Lanzada | |
213.1 | Praya de Canexol, on Ilha de Ons | |
214 | Ad Duos Pontes | Pontevedra |
214.1 | Bueu | |
215 | Pintens, near La Barra and Hio | |
215.1 | Nerga | |
216 | Igresina, Nerga, Cangas | |
216.1 | A Devesa do Mouro | |
217 | Ensenada de San Simon | |
218 | Roman villa at Vilar & castro de Montealegre, Vigo | |
218.1 | Calle Marqués de Valladares, 43, Vigo | |
219 | Vicus Spacorum | Vigo, with Castro de Punta do Muino do Vento-Alacabre |
220 | Roman villa & castro at Isla de Toralla | |
220.1 | Punta de Sobreira | |
221 | Roman villa at Panxon | |
221.1 | Stuciana | Baiona |
222 | Tude, Castellum Tyde | Tui |
223 | R Baenis, Minius, navigable | R Mino, Minho, near Caminha |
224 | R Lethe, R Limeas, R Oblivio | Santa Luzia, above Viana do Castelo on R Lima |
225 | Sea port of Bracara Augusta | Sao Lourenco, Esposende, on R Cavado, sea port of Braga |
226 | Roman villa at Menedi | |
227 | Roman villa, Alto de Martim Vaz | |
228 | Vila do Conde on R Ave | |
229 | Roman villa, Fontão de Antela, near Praia de Angeiras | |
230 | Lordelo do Ouro, near Porto | |
231 | Portus Galum, Portus Cale, estuary of R Dorius | Roamn villa at Casa do Infante Dom Henrique, Porto |
232 | R Durius, navigable | R Douro |
233 | Povoado da Torre | |
234 | Talabriga | Marnel at Lamas do Vouga, near Aveiro |
235 | Santa Olaia | |
236 | Nossa Senhora do Desterro | |
237 | Ameal | |
238 | Aeminium on R Monda, Munda | Coimbra, on R Mondego |
239 | Conimbriga | Conimbriga, with port possibly near ancient bridge on R dos Mouros, R Ega |
240 | Parreitas, Lagoa de Pederneira, near Nazare, Alcobaca | |
241 | Alfeizerao, near Sao Martinho do Porto, such a nice shelter must have been used since very ancient times, first for beaching, then possibly with port infrastructure on the north side of the bay | |
242 | port of Eburobrittium | Obidos |
243 | Roman amphora kiln at Morracal da Ajuda at Peniche which was probably an ancient island strikingly similar to Tyre; its name sounds like Phoenice; its shelter was possibly between island and mainland, now a fort moat | |
244 | Londobris, Lanobris insulae, Saturno insulae | Berlenga island, with possible lighthouse at Moinho Roman site |
245 | Lourinha | |
246 | Torres Vedras on R Sizandro | |
247 | Roman villa, Santo Andre de Almocageme | |
248 | Roman villa, Villa dos Casais Velhos, near Guincho | |
248.1 | Rua Marques Leal Pancada, Caiscais | |
249 | Casa do Governator da Torre de Belem | |
250 | Olissippo, Olisipo, Oliosipon, Ulyssippo, Felicitas Julia, Ophiussa? at outlet of R Tagus | Lisbon, Nucleo Arqueologico, 21 rua dos Correeiros, in the basement of the Millennium Bank where a garum factory was located on the left bank of a local tributary of R Tage flowing under the present day rua Augusta. Many other fish processing factories. Possible location of Avienus’ Ophiusa. |
251 | Roman villa, Sacavem | |
252 | Roman villa, Povos, at Vila Franca de Xira on R Tage | |
252.1 | Monte dos Castelinhos, on R Tage | |
252.2 | Porto do Sabugueiro, near Muge on R Tage | |
252.3 | Scallabis, Praesidium Iulium | Alcacova de Santarem on R Tage |
253 | Porto dos Cacos, Alcochete | |
254 | Abona, Aquabona | near Coina |
255 | Quinta do Rouxinol, Seixal, Roman amphora kiln | |
256 | Quinta do Almaraz, Cacilhas, Almada | |
256.1 | Porto Brandao | |
257 | Alfarim | |
258 | Barbarium Prom., Pirgo Barbarion | Cape Espichel, with ancient lighthouse |
258.1 | Avenida da Liberdade, Sesimbra | |
259 | Creiro | |
260 | Comenda | |
261 | Caetobriga, Seth-Baal? | Setubal |
262 | Caeciliana | Cajados |
263 | Zambujalinho, Roman amphora kiln | |
264 | Herdade do Pinheiro | |
265 | Abul | |
266 | Xarrouqueira, Vale da Cepa, Roman amphora kiln | |
267 | Salacia, Salacra, on R Calipos, Kalipos | Alcacer do Sal, upstream of Setubal on R Sado |
268 | Achale insula? | Troia, very large Roman fish processing factory |
269 | Sinus | Sines |
270 | Poetanion, Paetion, Anion, Patulus portus | Pessegueiro island |
271 | Atlantis, Atlantide | Mythical site located by Plato beyond the Pillars of Hercules and by Diodore at several days of navigation near West Afrika, but the location of this island is still much debated (perhaps somewhere between R Guadiana and R Guadalquivir in the Tartessos country, some locate it at Nea Kameni on Santorini island) |
272 | Sacrum Prom. | Praia de Beliche, Belixe, near Sagres, near Cape Sao Vicente, San Vincente, seems the first landing place in this area, it also features Roman ruins |
273 | Roman villa at Boca do Rio, Salema, Budens | |
274 | Martinhal and Baleeira islet, with a Roman amphora kiln | |
275 | Roman amphora kiln at Burgau | |
276 | Senhora da Luz | |
277 | port of Lacobriga | Lagos, Roman fish processing factory in Rua Silva Lopes |
277.1 | Laccobriga | Roman villa at Monte Moliao |
278 | Ipses, Portus Hannibalis? | Vila Velha, Alvor |
279 | Roman villa at Quinta da Abicada, near Mexilhoeira Grande | |
280 | Vau, Alvor | |
281 | Roman villa at Baralha | |
282 | Portus Hannibalis, Port of Annibal, Portus Magonis | Portimao, on R Arade |
283 | Roman villa at Ferragudo | |
284 | Rosario, Roman ruins | |
285 | Cilpes | Cerro da Rocha Branca, near Silves |
286 | Armacao de Pera, Roman fish processing factory | |
287 | Praia de Aveiros | |
287.1 | Santa Eulalia, Roman ruins | |
288 | Cerro da Vila, Vilamoura, on R Ribeira de Quarteira | |
288.1 | Monte da Vinha, Vinha do Casao | |
288.2 | Marmeleiros, Roman fishing station | |
289 | Quarteira Submersa, at 8 to 10 m waterdepth | |
290 | Loule Velho, Roman fish processing factory | |
291 | Trafal, Roman amphora kiln | |
292 | Porto de Farrobilhas | |
293 | Tejo do Praio, Quinta do Lago, Almancil, Roman kiln | |
294 | Salgados, Roman kiln | |
295 | Ossonoba | Faro |
296 | Doca de Olhao | |
297 | Quinta do Marim, Quelfes, near Olhao | |
298 | Alfanxia, near Fuseta | |
299 | Balsa | Quinta das Antas, Torre d’Aires, near Luz de Tavira |
300 | Pedras d’El Rei | |
301 | Tavira | |
302 | Roman villa at Quinta do Muro, Cacela Velha | |
303 | Roman villa at Quinta da Manta Rota, near Cacela Velha | |
304 | Roman villa at Sao Bartolomeu, near Castro Marim | |
305 | Baesuris, Esuris, on R Anae, Anas, navigable up to at least Iulia Myrtilis | Castro Marim, on R Guadiana, navigable up to at least Mertola |
306 | Isla Cristina | |
306.1 | La Vina, near La Redondela | |
306.2 | La Ribera, on R Cano de la Rivera, near R Piedras | |
307 | El Rompido, between Punta Umbria and Isla Saltes, on R Piedras | |
308 | Onoba, Onuba, Portus Onobensis, Tartessos? between ancient R Tartessos? & R Iberos? | Huelva, east of Plaza de las Monjas, between R Rio Tinto & R Odiel |
308.1 | El Eucaliptal at Punta Umbria & several fish processing factories on Isla de Saltes, on R Rio Tinto | |
309 | Ilipula, Ilipla minor | Niebla, on R Rio Tinto |
310 | Tartessos, Tartessus, Tarsi, Biblical Tarshish? | The ancient city of Tartessos is probably located in the area of Huelva-Sevilla-Cadix. Possibly somewhere in Donana park? Cerro del Trigo? Pausanias (Greece, 6, 19) locates it near the outlet of R Baetis. However, Avienus indicates in his Ora Maritima that Tartessus is the ancient name of Gades, and Ps Scymnos locates it at 2 sailing days west of Gades (at Huelva?). Pliny (Nat Hist, 3, 3) locates Tartessos at Carteia. Some modern scholars believe Tartessos is at Huelva. The Bible several times mentions Tarshish which might possibly be here (another option would be Tarsus in SE Turkey). |
310.1 | Maenoba, Menova, on R Maenuba | Villamanrique de la Condesa, near R Guadiamar |
311 | Olontigi, on R Maenuba | Aznalcazar, on R Guadiamar |
312 | Caura | Coria del Rio |
313 | Palomares del Rio | |
314 | Osset | San Juan de Aznalfarache |
315 | El Carambolo | |
316 | Hispalis, archaic Spal, on R Baetis, R Besilus, ancient R Tartessos? | Patio de Banderas del Alcazar, and other places in Sevilla, on R Guadalquivir |
317 | Italica | Santiponce, river port on R Madre Vieja (now silted up) an affluent of R Guadalquivir |
318 | Ilipa magna, on R Baetis | Alcala del Rio, on R Guadalquivir |
319 | Orippo | Torre de los Herberos, at Dos Hermanas |
320 | Maribanez, near Los Palacios y Villafranca | |
321 | Urgia, Ugia | Las Torres de Alocaz, Las Cabezas de San Juan |
322 | Roman villa at Carrascona | |
323 | Roman villa at Loma de la Vina | |
324 | Nabrissa Veneria, on Lacus Ligustinus, Sinus Tartesii, now silted up | Lebrija, on R Guadalquivir |
325 | Conobaria, Colobana, on Lacus Ligustinus, Sinus Tartesii, now silted up | Cerro de las Vacas, near Trebujena |
326 | Asta Regia, Hasta, on the ancient Via Augusta | Cortijo el Rosario, Mesas de Asta, with a causeway and quay at El Muelle |
327 | Aipora, Ebora, on Lacus Ligustinus, Sinus Tartesii, now silted up | Cortijo de Ebora, near Las Marismas |
328 | Luciferi Fanum, Templo del Lucero, Lux Dubiae, Phosphoros | El Tesorillo de la Algaida, near Sanlucar de Barrameda |
329 | Pirgo Caepino, Menestheus temple | Salmedina islet, in front of Chipiona, on the South bank of the outlet of R Guadalquivir, with possible ancient lighthouse |
329.1 | Cimbis, Cimbios | ? near Gades, perhaps near Rota? |
330 | Astaroth, Speculum Rotae | Rota |
331 | Fuentebravia, with fish processing factories at Las Redes & Puerto 19 | |
332 | Portus Gaditanus, Portus Balbus, on via Augusta between Hispalis and Gades, on R Cilbus | Puerto Santa Maria, at the outlet of R Guadalete, with fish processing factories at Las Redes & Puerto 19 |
333 | Portus Menesthei, Menesthus Limen, Menesteo, port of Menesthee, on R Cilbus | La Martela, ca. 250 m south of Castillo de Dona Blanca, on R Guadalete which later moved southwards |
333.1 | Ad Portum, on via Augusta between Hispalis and Gades | Salinas San Carlos y San Jaime, with a Roman bridge, on R San Pedro |
334 | El Gallinero, Puerto Real shipyard in the Bay of Cadix, east of R San Pedro | |
335 | Roman villa at Puente Melchor | |
335.1 | Roman amphora kilns at Pinar de Villanueva, Jarana | |
336 | Ad Pontem, on Antipolis insula, on via Augusta between Hispalis and Gades | Puente Zuazo, San Fernando, with a Roman bridge |
337 | Antipolis insula | Yacimiento de Los Cargaderos on the east side of the isle of Leon at San Fernando |
338 | on Antipolis insula | Roman villa at Cerro de los Martires, south of San Fernando |
339 | Gadir, Gadira, Gades, Erithya, Erytheia, Eriteia insula (north), Kotinoussa insula (south) | Cadiz, Cadix, with ancient lighthouse. Puerto interior on ancient canal of Bahia-Caleta. Initially, Gadir was an island as indicated by Strabo who speaks about « the Isle of the gaditans » (Geogr, 3, 2). Port remains were found at c/ Sagasta 96-98 and at c/ San Juan 37-39 |
339.1 | Gadir, Gadira, Gades, Erithya, Erytheia, Eriteia insula | Cadiz, Cadix. Remains of ancient city are visible under the modern theatre “Gadir”, fish processing factory at Teatro Andalucia, with port on c/ Canovas del Castillo |
339.2 | Gadir, Gadira, Gades, Erithya, Erytheia, Eriteia insula | Cadiz, Cadix, with ancient lighthouse. Puerto exterior at La Caleta, with several offshore islets used for anchorage |
339.3 | Gadir, Gadira, Gades, Kotinoussa insula | Cadiz, Cadix, Plaza Asdrubal, Junta de Andalucía Bldg |
340 | Camposoto | |
340.1 | Punta del Boqueron | |
340.2 | Sancti-Petri | |
341 | Herakleion, Herakles-Melqart temple, Ad Herculem | Isle of Sancti-Petri |
342 | Mercablum, Mergablum, Merifabion | Conil de la Frontera |
343 | Juno, Junonis Prom. | Roman villa at Canos de Meca, near Cape Trafalgar, with ancient lighthouse |
344 | Baesippo, Port Besippon | Barbate |
344.1 | R Belone | Zahara de los Atunes, on R Cachon |
345 | Baelo Claudia, Belone, Belon, Bello, Belo, Bailon | Bolonia, large Roman fish processing factory with slipway & quays now eroded by the sea |
346 | Mellaria, Menlaria, Menralia | Valdevaqueros, fish processing mentioned by Strabo (3, 1), uncertain location near the estuary of R Valle |
347 | Tarifa | |
348 | Cetaria | Getares |
349 | Portus Albus | Torre de San García, Algeciras |
350 | Iulia Traducta or Transducta, Iulia Ioza, Tingentera | Algeciras, on Rio de la Miel, with fish tanks on Calle San Nicolas |
351 | Carteia, Calpe, Karpessos | Carteya, El Rocadillo San Roque, outlet of R Guadarranque in the bay of Algeciras |
351.1 | Carteia, Calpe, Karpessos | Roman villa Victoria, San Roque, Puente de Mayorga in the bay of Algeciras |
352 | Cerro del Prado, on R Guadarranque | |
352.1 | Gorham’s cave, Gibraltar, Jebel Tarik, settlement used during Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, and even by Phoenicians | |
352.2 | Outlet of R Guadalquiton | |
353 | Barbesula, Barbariana | Guadiaro, on the estuary of R Guadiaro |
353.1 | Casa de Montilla, with BA settlement, on the estuary of R Guadiaro | |
353.2 | Los Castillejos de Alcorrin, with BA settlement, on R Alcorrin | |
353.3 | Roman villa Manilva at Castillo de la Duquesa | |
353.4 | Roman villa at San Luis de Sabinillas | |
354 | Lacipo, Lacippo | Alechipe, near Marina de Casares |
354.1 | Torre de la Sal o Salto de la Mora | |
354.2 | Roman villa at Arroyo Vaquero | |
354.3 | Calle Genalguacil, 18, Estepona | |
355 | Salduba, Saltum | Roman villa of Las Torres, on the estuary of R Guadalmansa |
355.1 | Salduba, Saltum | El Torreon, on R Guadalmansa |
356 | Cilniana, Silniana | Basilica Vega del Mar, at San Pedro de Alcantara |
357 | Roman villa at Rio Verde | |
358 | Suel | Cerro del Castillo de Sohail, on the estuary of R Fuengirola |
359 | Finca del Secretario, North side of Fuengirola | |
360 | Torreblanca del Sol | |
360.1 | Roman villa at Torremuelle | |
360.2 | Roman villa at Benalroma | |
360.3 | Roman villa at Los Molinillos | |
361 | Saduce | Torremolinos |
361.1 | Roman villa at La Cizana Baja | |
361.2 | Roman villa at Araijanal | |
362 | Mainake, Moenace, Maenace? | Cerro del Villar, on estuary of R Guadalorce |
362.1 | Cortijo de Montanez, on R Guadalorce | |
363 | Malaca, Malaka, Mainake, Moenace, Maenace? | Malaga, near estuary of R Guadalmina, with several Roman villas in the old city |
364 | Roman villa at La Loma de Benagalbon, Rincon de la Victoria | |
365 | Mainake, Moenace, Maenace? | Toscanos, at the toe of Cerro del Penon, 1.5 km upstream the R Velez, near Velez-Malaga |
366 | Maenoba, Mainobora? | Cerro del Mar, 1.5 km upstream the R Velez, near Velez-Malaga |
367 | Maenoba, Mainobora? | Trayamar, at the outlet of R Algarrobo |
367.1 | Morro de Mezquitilla | |
367.2 | Las Chorreras, at Mezquitilla | |
367.3 | Lagos | |
368 | Caviclum | Faro de Torrox |
368.1 | Frexiniana? | Cortijo de las Sombras, near Frigiliana |
369 | Ex, Sexi, Saxetanum | El Majuelo, Almunecar, large Roman fish processing factory |
370 | Selambina, Salmbina | Salobrena |
370.1 | Roman kilns at La Canada de Vargas, near El Maraute, at Torrenueva | |
371 | Abdera, Abdara | Cerro de Montecristo, Adra |
372 | Guardias Viejas | |
372.1 | Ciavieja, El Ejido | |
373 | Erroris | Isle of Alboran, due South of Adra |
374 | Tauria | ?? at 13 km of Alboran |
375 | Murgi | Roquetas de Mar, Laja de palo |
376 | Turaniana | Playa de Los Bajos, Ribera de la Algaida |
377 | Portos Magnos, port of Urci | Almeria |
378 | Torre Garcia | |
379 | Baria | Villaricos, with several fish processing factories, on the estuary of R Almanzora |
379.1 | Cabecico de Parra, on R Almanzora | |
379.2 | Aguilas, Calle Cassola | |
380 | Longuntica? | Isla del Fraile, near Aguilas |
381 | Ficariensis Locus | near Mazarron |
382 | Museo Arqueologico Factoria Romana de Salazones de Puerto de Mazarron | |
382.1 | Roman villa at Playa del Alamillo | |
382.2 | La Azohia | |
383 | Carthago Nova, Carthage la neuve, archaic Mastia, Massiena, Namnatius portus, Punic Qart Hadasht, Late Roman Carthagine Spartaria | Cartagena, Cerro del Molinete, possible canal in Calle Santa Florentina, possible quay at Casa Llagostera in Calle Mayor 23-25. Export of iron, silver & lead from the sierra minera de Cartagena-La Union |
384 | Espalmador Grande, near Cartagena | |
385 | Herakles insula, Scombraria | Escombreras, now connected to mainland |
386 | Portus Magnus, Onusa? | Roman villa at Paturro, near Portman. Export of iron, silver & lead from the sierra minera de Cartagena-La Union |
387 | Saturni Prom. | Roman villa at El Castillet, near Cabo de Palos, from where one could sail directly to Ceasarea Mauretania |
388 | Los Nietos, on Mar Menor. Export of iron, silver & lead from the sierra minera de Cartagena-La Union | |
389 | Thiar | near Torre de la Horadada |
390 | Allon? Alonai? Alonae? | La Mata, at Torrevieja |
391 | Roman villa at El Moncayo beach | |
392 | Port of Herna, port of Rojales, on R Tader | La Fonteta, near Guardamar del Segura, on the estuary of R Segura (Herna is located inland at Pena Negra, Crevillent) |
393 | Roman villa at El Oral | |
394 | Portus Illicitanus, port of Illici, Ilice, Elia, Helike | La Picola, plaza Aljibes, near parque Palmeral, at Santa Pola, near Elche |
395 | Planesia insula, Nova Tabarca | Nueva Tabarca island |
396 | Ad Leones | El Saladar, near Alicante airport |
397 | Lucentum, Akra Leuke, Castrum Album | Roman embarcadero de la Albufereta, near Tossal de Manises and near Tossal de Les Basses, with fish tank at 38.361989, -0.441106, in Alicante |
398 | Illeta dels Banyets, with fish tanks at Banos de la Reina, near El Campello | |
399 | Allon, Alonai, Alonae | Villajoyosa, La Vila Joiosa |
400 | Torre de Sant Josep | |
401 | Allon? Alonai? Alonae? | Tossal de la Cala, Benidorm |
402 | Roman villa at L’Albir | |
403 | La Olla, near Altea | |
404 | Hemeroscopion? | Els Banys de la Reina, Penon de Ifach, at Calpe |
405 | Cala de Portichol, Portitxol | |
405.1 | Villa Romana della Punta del Arenal, Javea | |
406 | Dianium | Denia |
407 | Almadrava, near Els Poblets | |
408 | Portus Sucronis, port of Sucro, at outlet of R Sucro | Cullera, on the estuary of R Jucar |
409 | Valentia, on R Tyris | Valencia, on R Turia |
410 | Roman villa at El Villar, near Puig | |
411 | Saguntum, Sagonte, Arse | Grau Vell at Sagunto, near R Palancia |
412 | Roman villa at Pujol de Benicato, near Nules | |
413 | Port of Sebelaci | Burriana, port of Onda |
414 | Ad Novales? | Vinarragell, on R Mijares, R Millars |
415 | Roman villa at Villamargo, near Castellon de la Plana | |
416 | Etobesa, Etouissa? | near Oropesa del Mar |
416.1 | Tyreche, Chersonesos | Peniscola, probably an ancient island strikingly similar to Tyre |
417 | Indibilis | near Benicarlo |
418 | Adeba | near Vinaroz |
419 | Tenebrius portus on R Hiberus | unlocated at outlet of R Ebro, perhaps Roman villa at Carrova, near Amposta? |
420 | Dertosa on R Hiberus | Tortosa, on R Ebro |
421 | R Hiberus, Iber | R Ebro navigable over 200 km |
422 | Tria Capita | near l’Ampola? |
423 | Sub Saltu | near Vandellos nuclear power station |
424 | Oleastrum | L’Hospitalet de l’Infant |
425 | Roman villa at Cambrils | |
426 | Salauris | Salou |
427 | Kissa, Kese, Cissa, Cissis, Calipolis | near La Pineda |
428 | Taracco, Tarrakon, on R Tulcis, R Subi | Tarragona, quay possibly located along Carrer de Smith, near R Francoli |
428.1 | Taracco, Tarrakon | Tarragona, Roman breakwater probably located here, with possible lighthouse el Farellon, partly demolished in 1843 |
429 | Roman villa at Els Munts, near Altafulla | |
430 | Palfuriana | Sant Vicenc de Calders, El Vendrell |
431 | Calafell | |
432 | Darro | |
433 | Barcino, on R Rubricatum | Barcelona, on R Llobregat |
434 | Baetulo | Via Augusta, Badalona |
435 | Turo de Montgat | |
436 | Ilduro | Burriac, Cabrera de Mar, near Mataro |
437 | Roman villa at Can Llauder, near Mataro | |
438 | Iluro | Mataro |
439 | Torre dels Encantats | |
440 | Blanda | Blanes |
441 | Turissa | Tossa de Mar |
442 | Roman villa at Pla de Palol, near Platja d’Aro | |
443 | Roman villa at Collet, near Palamos | |
443.1 | Palamors, Celebantic cape? | Palamos |
444 | Roman villa at Punta de Sant Esteve de La Fosca, near Palamos | |
444.1 | Punta del Castell de La Fosca, near Palamos | |
445 | Llafranc, Sant Sebastia de la Guarda, near Palafrugell | |
446 | Lounarion Akron | Cap Sa Sal Begur |
446.1 | Cypsela? Gypsela? | Ullastret (now inland), near outlet of R Ter |
446.2 | Port of Mount Malodes? | L’Estartit, near Mount Montgri, in front of the Medes islands and near outlet of R Ter |
447 | Indike | Cala Montgo? Near L’Escala |
447.1 | Riells-La Clota, at La Escala | |
448 | Emporion, Emporium, Emporia, Neapolis | Empuries, Ampurias, sheltered by Las Muscleres Grosses islets (NB: the structure on the beach is not a breakwater but a part of the ancient city wall) |
449 | Emporion, Emporium, Emporia, Palaiapolis | Sant Marti d’Empuries |
450 | Rhoda, Rhode, Rhodope | Roses, and Roman fort at Puig Rom |
451 | Pyrenaei, Pyrenes, Pyrenee | El Port de la Selva? « Le Pyrenee » generally means the oriental extremity of this chain of mountains that literally falls into the sea between Port Vendres in France and Roses in Spain. Its end is Cape Creus. Shelters are few and of bad quality, as they face the East, and the mountain is hostile. The best shelter is Port de la Selva on the Spanish side. Note that Herodotus (Hist. 2, 33) erroneously placed the source of the Danube here |
451.1 | Lancio | Llanca |
452 | Gymnesias insulae | Gymnesic (or Balearic) Islands: Mallorca and Minorca |
453 | Columba, Balearis Maior insula | Isle of Mallorca |
454 | Palmeria | Portopi, Palma de Mallorca |
455 | Las Illetas | |
456 | Puerto de Santa Ponsa, near Puig de Sa Morisca, Santa Ponsa, Calviá | |
457 | Son Ferrandell-Olesa | |
458 | Cova de Betlem, near Port de Valdemossa | |
459 | Son Gallard | |
460 | Puerto de Soller, Sa Costera | |
461 | Cova de Tossa Alta | |
462 | Mortitx | |
462.1 | Cala Sant Vicenc | |
463 | Buccorum, Bocchori | Formentor-Pollensa |
464 | Pollentia portus minor | Es Barcares, North of Alcudia |
465 | Pollentia portus major | Alcudia |
466 | Can Picafort, with more slipways 300 m SE of the large slipway | |
467 | Son Real, 500 m ESE of megalithic necropolis, and in front of Illot des Porros islet with more ruins | |
468 | Es Calo | |
469 | S’Illot, Sant Llorenc des Cardassar | |
470 | Porto Cristo | |
471 | Cova des Moros | |
472 | Porto Colom, anchorage at Punta de sa Bateria | |
473 | Puerto de Cala Llonga, Cala d’Or | |
474 | Porto Petro | |
475 | Santanyi | |
475.1 | Cala s’Almunia | |
476 | Na Moltona islet, in front of Cala Carbo | |
476.1 | port of Guium? | Na Guardis islet, in front of Colonia Sant Jordi |
477 | Isle of Conejera | |
478 | Isle of Cabrera | |
479 | Puerto de Cabrera, Sa Plageta | |
480 | Cala Pi | |
480.1 | Na Galera islet, Can Pastilla | |
481 | Nura, Balearis Minor insula | Isle of Minorca |
481.1 | Cala Blanca | |
482 | Yamma, Iamon, Iamna, Iamnona | Ciudadela |
483 | Cala Morell | |
484 | Sanisera | Puerto Nitge, Sanitja |
485 | Puerto de Fornells | |
486 | Puerto de Cala de Addaya | |
487 | Cala Grao, Colom island | |
488 | Mago, Portus Magonis | Illa del Rei, Mahon |
489 | Cala Alcaufa | |
490 | Biniai Nou, Cala Biniancolla | |
490.1 | Cap de Forma | |
491 | Cala Coves | near Cala en Porter |
492 | Cova Murada, near Cala Galdana, Serpentona | |
493 | Pityusa, Pytyuse, Pitiusas, Pittecusa insulae | Pityusic islands: Ibiza and Formentera and Espalmador |
494 | Ebusus, Ebysos | Ibiza, on the Isle of Ibiza, Dalt Vila |
495 | Cala Llonga, Puig de ses Torretes, Cap des Llibrell | |
495.1 | S’argamassa | |
496 | Sa Caleta, on the SW coast of Ibiza | |
497 | Cala Badella | |
498 | Port del Torrent | |
499 | Es Pouas, near Sant Antony de Portmany | |
500 | Puerto de San Miguel | |
501 | Cala Portinatx | |
502 | Ophioussa, Colubraia insula | Puerto del Espalmador, on Formentera island |
503 | Puerto de Sabina, Estanque Peix, on Formentera island |