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Ancient port mentioned by ancient author(s)
Ancient port mentioned by modern author(s) only
Potential ancient harbour, from a nautical point of view
NB | Ancient name | Modern name |
1 | Tyle, Thule | Iceland? Pliny and Strabo, who cite Pytheas (ca 325 BC?), place Thule at 6 navigation days from (Great) Britain, which may be 400-600 nautical miles. Iceland is at 450 miles North of Scotland. The mention of six months long days and nights means a position beyond the Arctic Circle, which corresponds better to Iceland than to the Shetland islands. |
1.1 | Alta, Bronze Age rock carvings showing many ships | |
1.2 | Haugvik, on the isle of Somna | |
1.3 | Aukra, on the isle of Gossa, with hundreds of Mesolithic coastal settlements in Central Norway | |
1.4 | Toftevagen, on Halsnoy island | |
2 | Tanum, BA rock carvings showing many ships | |
2.1 | Torsbo, near Kville, BA rock carvings showing many ships | |
2.2 | Järrestad, BA rock carvings showing many ships | |
2.3 | Norrköping, BA rock carvings showing many ships | |
2.4 | Björke | |
3 | export of amber to the Black Sea, on R Chesinos, Chesynus | Daugmale, on R Daugava, Dvina, Düna |
3.1 | Basileia, Basilia, Baltia, Ile Royale, between R Vistula and R Chronus | Sambia, Samland? near Kaliningrad, famous for amber exported via R Vistula and R Neman |
4 | Wolin, with Neolithic settlement, on R Dziwna | |
4.1 | Neolithic settlements at Lietzow, on Rügen island | |
4.2 | Stralsund, with logboat wrecks | |
4.3 | Varpelev, with logboat wreck, on R Tryggevaelde | |
4.4 | Nydam | |
4.5 | Hjortspring | |
4.6 | Skaghorn Syd, submerged BA settlement | |
4.7 | Submerged neolithic settlement at Tybrind Vig, on Fyn island | |
4.8 | Husby Klit, submerged BA settlement | |
5 | Abalus insula, Saxonum insulae? near Elektrides insulae? In front of R Visurgis? | Isle of Helgoland? near Frisian islands in front of R Weser? |
5.1 | R Visurgis | Roman statio at Bremen-Seehausen, on R Weser |
6 | Amisia, on R Amisia | Delfzijl? on R Eems |
6.1 | Pesse, world’s oldest shipwreck (logboat) | |
6.2 | Kadoelerveld, near Kraggenburg, inside a modern polder, with logboat wreck | |
6.3 | Mararmano, Manarmani, Meermanno, near archaic R Vlie | in The Netherlands between R Vidrus (R Oer-IJ, now Noordzeekanaal?) and R Amisius (R Eems), possibly at Den Burg, on the isle of Texel that was still connected to the mainland |
6.4 | Wieringermeer, near Den Oever, with logboat wreck | |
6.6 | Schagen, Muggenburg en Witte Paal | |
6.5 | Zeewijk, Neolithic settlement | |
7 | Uitgeest-Groot Dorregeest | |
8 | Flevum, on R Vidrus? | Velsen 1, west of Amsterdam, on R Oer-IJ, now Noordzeekanaal |
9 | Lugdunum Batavorum, Lugduno, Brittenburg, Calla, at the ancient outlet of R Rhenus | Roman fort still visible in the 17th c. at LLW, but now submerged offshore Katwijk, near the outlet of R Oude Rijn (R Old Rhine) which was the northern limit of the Roman empire and was navigable over a long distance, with many river ports |
10 | Praetorium Agrippinae, on R Rhenus | Valkenburg, Marktveld-Weerdkampen, with recently discovered large Roman fort, on R Oude Rijn |
11 | Matilo, at northern end of Fossa Corbulonis, Corbulo canal between R Rhenus and R Mosa | Leiden, Roomburg, on R Oude Rijn |
11.1 | On R Rhenus | Westervaartpark, near Hazerswoude-Rijndijk, on R Oude Rijn |
12 | Albaniana, on R Rhenus | Alphen a/d Rijn, on R Oude Rijn |
13 | Nigrum Pullum, on R Rhenus | Zwammerdam, on R Oude Rijn |
14 | Laurium, on R Rhenus | Woerden, Kruittorenweg & Havenstraat, on R Oude Rijn |
15 | Fletio, on R Rhenus | Utrecht, Hoge Woerd, on R Oude Rijn |
15.1 | Traiectum, on R Rhenus | Utrecht, Domplein, on R Kromme Rijn and R Vecht |
16 | Fectio, on R Rhenus, possible starting point of Fossa Drusiana (contra: de Boer, 2021) | Vechten, on R Kromme Rijn, with connection to the Utrechtse Vecht flowing north to Muiden |
17 | Levefanum, on R Rhenus | Wijk bij Duurstede, on R Rijn |
18 | Mannaricium, on R Rhenus | Maurik Eiland, on R Rijn |
18.1 | Amerongen-‘t Spijk, on R Rijn | |
19 | Carvo, Carvone, on R Rhenus | Kesteren, on R Rijn |
19.1 | Heteren-Steenoord, on R Rijn | |
20 | Castra Herculis, on R Rhenus | Arnhem, Meinerswijk, on R Rijn |
20.1 | Grindgat de Loowaard, on R Rijn | |
20.2 | Fossa Drusiana, possibly between R Rhenus and R Isala, or between R Rhenus and Flevo Lacus | Manmade canal, possibly between R Oude Rijn near Westervoort and R Oude IJssel near Doesburg, it is now part of R IJssel flowing north to Kampen. Another option might be the Utrechtse Vecht |
21 | Carvium ad Molem, on R Rhenus | Bijlandse Waard, Herwen, on R Rijn |
21.1 | Moles Drusi? | Drusus Dam, this dam was supposed to divert R Rhine water from the southern branch (today’s R Waal) to the northern branch (today’s R Neder Rijn), it might possibly be somewhere between the Oude Waal and the Oude Rijn near Tolkamer-Lobith and Spijk |
22 | Castra Vetera, Colonia Ulpia Trajana, on R Rhenus | Xanten, Archäologischen Park, on R Rhein |
23 | Ceuclum, on R Mosa | Roman bridge at Cuijk, on R Maas |
24 | Oppidium Batavorum, on R Vacalus | Nijmegen, Hunnerpark, on R Waal |
25 | Noviomagus, on R Vacalus | Nijmegen, Maasplein, on R Waal |
26 | Grinnes, Grinnibus, on R Vacalus | Rossum, on R Waal |
26.1 | Hardinxfeld-Giessendam, on R Beneden Merwede, one of the Rhine delta branches | |
28 | Forum Hadriani, on Fossa Corbulonis | Park Arentsburgh, at Voorburg, on R Vliet |
28.1 | on Fossa Corbulonis | Rijswijk De Bult, with settlement at Tubasingel |
28.2 | Roman fort at Ockenburgh | |
28.3 | Poeldijk | |
28.4 | Harnaschpolder & Woudsepolder | |
29 | Helinio? near southern end of Fossa Corbulonis, at outlet of R Helinium, possible home port of Classis Germanica fleet | Naaldwijk, Zuidweg & Hoogwerf, Roman fort & naval base, near ancient outlet of R Maas, Meuse |
30 | Flenio, Flenium | Vlaardingen? on R Lek |
31 | R Mosa | submerged offshore of Oostvoorne, Brielse Meer, at outlet of R Oude Maas, Meuse |
31.1 | Roman villa near Helhoek | |
32 | “Oude Wereld” probably submerged offshore of Goedereede, on the isle of Goeree, remains were seen last in 1618 at a place called “Windglap” located in the Zandgors dunes | |
32.1 | De Oude Oostdijk, Goedereede, on the isle of Goeree | |
33 | Ganuenta, on R Tabuda, R Scaldis | submerged at 1.5 km NW of Colijnsplaat, votive altars to Nehalennia goddess, on R Oosterschelde, Eastern Scheldt |
34 | Romanorum portus | “De Roompot” submerged at the mouth of the Eastern Scheldt |
34.1 | Oranjezon, near Oostkapelle | |
34.2 | Domburg, submerged votive altars to Nehalennia goddess | |
34.3 | Roman dike & fireplace at Serooskerke, on the isle of Walcheren | |
34.4 | R Tabuda, R Scaldis | Ellewoutsdijk, on R Westerschelde, Scheldt |
35 | Rodanum? | Roman fort at Aardenburg, with possible fortlets at Eede and Draaibrug |
36 | Roman fort at Maldegem-Vake | |
37 | Roman villa at Fort Lapin, Groot Handelsdok, Bruges, Brugge, on R Reie | |
38 | Wenduine | |
39 | Aldenburgensis | Roman fort at Oudenburg, on ancient R Kene, Keignaert |
39.1 | Stene, near Ostend | |
39.2 | Roman dike at Raversijde, near Ostend | |
39.3 | R Isera | Nieuwpoort, on R IJzer, Yzer |
40 | Pritani, Prettanoi, Prettanides, Brettannikai nesoi, Britannia, meant to include both Albion & Ierne | British Isles, including Great Britain & Ireland |
41 | Orcades insulae | Orkney islands, North Scotland |
41.1 | Craig Phadrig oppidum | |
41.2 | Cullykhan oppidum | |
42 | Devana, Devoni, on R Deoua | Aberdeen, on R Don |
42.1 | Roman camp at Raedykes | |
42.2 | Roman camp at Dun, on Montrose Basin | |
43 | Laws Hill, near Monifieth, oppidum on Firth of Tay |
43.1 | R Taoua, Tawa, Taba, Taus | Roman camp at Invergowrie, on Firth of Tay |
43.2 | R Taoua, Tawa, Taba, Taus | Roman camp near Saint Madoes, on Firth of Tay |
44 | Horrea Classis, Poreo Classis, on R Tawa | Roman fort and naval base at Carpow, on Firth of Tay |
44.1 | Norman’s Law oppidum on Firth of Tay | |
45 | Largo, on R Bodotria | Largo, on Firth of Forth |
45.1 | Colania, Colanica, on R Bodotria | Camelon, on Firth of Forth |
45.2 | Velunia, Veluniate, on R Bodotria | Carriden House, at the eastern end of Antonine’s wall, on Firth of Forth |
46 | Cramond, on Firth of Forth | |
46.1 | Arthur’s Seat, Edimburgh, oppidum | |
47 | Inveresk, on Firth of Forth | |
47.1 | R Tinea | R Tyne |
48 | Berwick-upon-Tweed, on R Tweed | |
48.1 | Kippy Heugh oppidum | |
49 | Segedunum | Wallsend, on R Tyne |
50 | Arbeia | South Shields, at the eastern end of Hadrien’s wall, near Newcastle |
50.1 | Sunderland, on R Wear | |
51 | possible lighthouse at Huntcliff |
52 | possible lighthouse at Goldsborough |
53 | Dictium? | Whitby |
54 | possible lighthouse at Ravenscar |
55 | possible lighthouse at Scarborough |
56 | Portus Felix | possible lighthouse at Filey Brigg |
57 | Gabrantiucorum portuosus sinus, Praesidium, Praetorium | Bridlington? with Roman villas at Rudston & Harpham Grange |
58 | Trinity Burial Ground, Hull, on R Humber | |
59 | Petuaria, on R Abus, Abos | Brough on R Humber, Roman naval base |
60 | Faxfleet on R Humber, in front of outlet of R Trisantona (R Trent) | |
60.1 | Ad Abum, on R Abus, Abos | Winteringham on R Humber |
61 | Gibraltar Point, near Skegness | |
61.1 | Sleaford, on R Slea | |
61.2 | Durobrivae | Water Newton, on R Nene |
61.3 | Roman fort at Longthorpe, on R Nene | |
61.4 | Bronze Age settlement at Must Farm | |
61.5 | Stonea, oppidum, in the Fens | |
61.6 | Denver, on R Ouse | |
62 | Holme next the Sea, with possible lighthouse at Thornham | |
63 | Branodunum | Brancaster |
63.1 | Holkham oppidum | |
63.2 | Warham oppidum | |
63.3 | Paston | |
64 | Caister on Sea, North of Great Yarmouth, might have had a Roman port? | |
65 | Gariannonum, Gariannum, on R Gariennus | Burgh Castle, West of Great Yarmouth, on R Yare-Waveney |
65.1 | Herringfleet, near Corton | |
66 | Wenhaston, on R Blyth | |
66.1 | Sitomagus, Senomagus? | East Green, on R Hundred |
66.2 | Roman villa at Knodishall, on R Hundred | |
66.3 | Roman villa at Farnham, near R Alde | |
67 | Walton Castle, North of Felixstowe, now submerged offshore | |
67.1 | Martlesham | |
67.2 | Whitton | |
68 | Roman villa at Little Oakley | |
68.1 | Ad Ansam | Higham Marsh, on R Stour |
68.2 | Felixstowe West Rocks, submerged Roman fort? | |
69 | port of Camulodunum | Fingringhoe Wick, with several Roman villas, near Colchester, on R Colne |
69.1 | Roman villa at West Mersea | |
70 | Heybridge-Maldon, on R Blackwater, might have had a Roman port? |
71 | Othona portus | Bradwell on Sea, South of Colchester |
72 | Hadleigh with possible lighthouse | |
72.1 | Mucking | |
73 | Londinium, Lindonium, on R Tamesis | London river port on the Thames, near Regis House |
74 | Noviomagus Cantiacorum | Dartford |
74.1 | Roman villa at Tenters Hill Field, Dartford |
74.2 | Roman villa at Wilmington, Dartford |
74.3 | Roman villa at Darenth, near Dartford |
75 | Vagniacis | Springhead, near Southfleet |
76 | Durobrivae | Rochester, on R Medway |
76.1 | Frindsbury, New Maritime Academy, BA settlement, on R Medway | |
76.2 | Kemsley Down, with several Neolithic, BA & Roman settlements on both sides of Milton Creek, near R Swale | |
77 | Durolevum | Ospringe, South of Faversham, with several Roman villas |
78 | Regulbium | possible lighthouse at Reculver, West of Margate |
79 | Tanatus insula, Toliapis? Taniatide? | Isle of Thanet, near Ramsgate, now connected to mainland |
79.1 | Cliffsend Farm, with Bronze Age settlement, possible landing place of Caesar in 54 BC at Pegwell Bay | |
80 | Rutupiae, Ritupium, Kantion, Cantium? | Roman naval base at Richborough, probable first landing place of Romans in 43 AD, possible stop over for Pytheas around 325 BC |
81 | Portus Dubris, home port of Classis Britannica fleet |
Dover: port at the outlet of R Dour, with its two famous ancient lighthouses |
81.1 | Roman villa at East Wear Bay, near Folkestone | |
82 | Portus Lemanis | Stutfall Castle, near Lympne castle |
82.1 | Ridunum | Rye, near Camber Castle, on R Brede |
83 | Mutuantonis? | Hastings oppidum |
83.1 | Anderidos, Anderitum | Pevensey, landing place of Cesar and of William |
84 | Roman villa at Eastbourne | |
84.1 | Newhaven Castle Hill, on Seaford bay, at outlet of R Ouse | |
84.2 | Preston Court, Beddingham, on R Ouse | |
84.3 | The Caburn oppidum | |
84.4 | Mutuantonis? | Lewes, on R Ouse |
84.5 | Whitehawk Hill oppidum, Brighton | |
84.6 | Hollingbury Castle oppidum, Brighton |
84.7 | Preston Park, Brighton | |
85 | Novus portus | Southwick? possibly at outlet of R Adur, with a Roman villa |
85.1 | Cissbury Ring oppidum | |
85.2 | Littlehampton | |
85.3 | Roman villa at Arundel, on R Arun | |
86 | Roman villa at Sidlesham, near Pagham | |
87 | Villa Regis Cogidubni, port of Noviomagus Regnorum, on R Trisantonis |
Roman palace at Fishbourne, near Chichester, on R Arun |
88 | Magnus Portus |
Bosham Harbour |
89 | Hayling island | |
89.1 | Roman villa at Langstone | |
89.2 | Roman villa at Havant | |
90 | Portus Adurni, Ardaoni | Portchester Castle, Roman naval base |
91 | Vectis, Vecta insula | Isle of Wight, probably Newport, with Roman villa on R Medina |
92 | Roman villa at Brading, on the isle of Wight, now inland | |
93 | Oppidum at Ventnor, on the isle of Wight | |
93.1 | Bouldnor Cliff, submerged Mesolithic settlement, on the isle of Wight | |
94 | Roman villa at Gurnard, on the isle of Wight | |
95 | Clausentum? | Wickham |
95.1 | Clausentum | Bitterne Manor House, near Southampton, on R Itchen |
96 | Onna? | Nursling, on R Test |
97 | Major oppidum at Hengistbury Head | |
98 | Hamworthy, near Poole | |
98.1 | Oppidum at Cleavel Point, on Ower peninsula, in front of Green island | |
98.2 | Roman villa at Brenscombe, on Purbeck island | |
98.3 | Roman villa at Bucknowle farm, with shale quarries (ball clay, marble & black shale), on Purbeck island | |
98.4 | Roman villa at East Creech, on Purbeck island | |
98.5 | Port of Durnovaria | Wareham, on R Frome |
98.6 | Kimmeridge Bay, ancient shale quarry | |
98.7 | Bindon hill oppidum and Roman villa, between Lulworth Cove and Mupe Bay | |
99 | Durnovaria | Dorchester, Roman Town House, on R Frome |
99.1 | Dunum? | Maiden castle oppidum, near Dorchester |
99.2 | Chalbury oppidum | |
99.3 | Roman villa at Preston | |
99.4 | Roman temple at Jordan hill | |
100 | Roman villa at Newberry road, Weymouth | |
101 | Vindelis, Vindilis? | Isle of Portland, near Chesil beach, with Culverwell Mesolithic site |
101.1 | The Cobb, at Lyme Regis, is said to be on top of a Roman structure (?) | |
101.2 | Roman villa at Holcombe | |
102 | Moridunum? | Roman villa and fortlet at Seaton “Honeyditches”, on R Axe, with famous quarry at Beer |
102.1 | Blackbury Castle oppidum | |
102.2 | Roman villa at Otterhead, near Budleigh Salterton, on R Otter | |
102.3 | Woodbury castle oppidum | |
103 | Port of Isca Dumnoniorum, on R Isca | Port and fortlet at Topsham on R Exe |
103.1 | Isca Dumnoniorum, on R Isca | Roman fort at Exeter, on R Exe |
103.2 | Milber Down oppidum, near R Teign | |
103.3 | Moor Sand, near Salcombe | |
103.4 | Bolt Tail oppidum, near Hope | |
104 | Burgh island, on Bigbury bay, at outlet of R Avon | |
104.1 | R Aramis, Aranus, Armis? (export of tin) | Outlet of R Erme |
104.2 | Holbury oppidum, on R Erme | |
104.3 | Yealmpton | |
104.4 | Mount Batten, near Plymouth, on R Plym (export of tin) | |
104.5 | R Tamarus, Tamaris | Roman fort at Calstock, on R Tamar (export of tin) |
104.6 | Rame Head oppidum | |
104.7 | Hall Rings oppidum, near R West Looe | |
105 | Roman fort at Lostwithiel, near Restormel Castle, on R Fowey (export of tin) | |
105.1 | Castle Dore oppidum | |
105.2 | Prideaux Castle oppidum, Biscovey, St Blazey | |
105.3 | Castle Gotha oppidum, and Roman fortlet in the area near St Austell | |
105.4 | Black Head oppidum | |
105.5 | The Dodman oppidum, near Gorran | |
105.6 | Dingerein castle oppidum | |
105.7 | Pendennis Castle, Falmouth, on Carrick Roads | |
106 | Carlidnack oppidum | |
106.1 | Port Navas, near Gweek, on R Helford (export of tin?) | |
106.2 | Grambla oppidum, near Gweek, on R Helford | |
106.3 | Gweek oppidum, on R Helford (export of tin) | |
106.4 | Mawgan, on R Helford | |
106.5 | Kynance Gate oppidum | |
106.6 | Halliggye oppidum, near R Helford | |
106.7 | Chynhalls Point oppidum | |
106.8 | Lankidden oppidum | |
107 | Ictis insula, Mictis (export of tin) | St Michael’s Mount, Marazion, probably a major port for exporting tin extracted by streaming in the hills of Cornwall |
107.1 | Penzance | |
107.2 | Treryn Dinas oppidum | |
107.3 | near Belerium, Bolerion Prom. |
Maen castle oppidum, near Land’s End |
107.4 | Kenidjack castle oppidum | |
108 | Silina insula, Scillonia insula, Sicdelis, Ennor | Isles of Scilly, west of Cornwall ; some believe these are the Cassiterides islands, but no tin is mined here ; many megaliths are found there |
108.1 | Gurnard’s Head, Trereen Dinas oppidum | |
108.2 | Hayle oppidum, on R Hayle (export of tin?) | |
108.3 | Crane castle oppidum | |
108.4 | Roman villa at Magor Farm, Illogan |
108.5 | Nance oppidum, near Portreath | |
109 | Penhale Point oppidum | |
109.1 | Kelsey Head oppidum | |
109.2 | Trevelgue Head oppidum, Porth island near Newquay |
109.3 | Griffin’s Point oppidum | |
109.4 | Redcliff castle oppidum | |
109.5 | Tregolds oppidum, near Padstow | |
109.6 | Wadebridge, on R Camel | |
109.7 | The Rumps oppidum | |
109.8 | Tregeare Rounds oppidum | |
110 | Tintagel oppidum | |
110.1 | Bossiney oppidum | |
110.2 | Boscastle oppidum, on R Valency | |
110.3 | St Gennys Roman fortlet, near Crackington Haven | |
111 | Morwenstow Roman fortlet | |
112 | Clovelly Dykes Roman fortlet | |
112.1 | Hillsborough oppidum, near Ilfracombe |
112.2 | Voley Castle oppidum, on R Heddon | |
112.3 | Beacon Castle oppidum, on R Heddon |
112.4 | possible lighthouse at Martinhoe Roman fortlet, near outlet of R Heddons | |
113 | Countisbury castle, on Wind Hill, and Myrtleberry castles, oppidums, near outlet of R Lyn | |
114 | Old Burrow Roman fortlet at Countisbury |
115 | Oppidum at Grabbist Hill, near Dunster | |
115.1 | Bat’s Castle oppidum | |
115.2 | Watchet | |
115.3 | Trendle Ring oppidum | |
115.4 | Dowsborough oppidum | |
116 | R Uxela | Combwich, might have had a Roman port on R Parrett? |
116.1 | Brent Knoll oppidum | |
116.2 | Roman temple and oppidum at Brean Down, near outlet of R Axe | |
116.3 | Worlebury oppidum | |
117 | Cadbury Camp oppidum | |
117.1 | Stokeleigh Camp oppidum, on R Avon | |
117.2 | Abona, on R Abona | Sea Mills, on R Avon |
117.3 | Roman villa at Kings Weston, on R Avon | |
117.4 | Haresfield Beacom oppidum | |
117.5 | Roman villa at Great Witcombe | |
118 | Glevum | Roman fort at Gloucester |
118.1 | Roman temple and oppidum at Lydney | |
118.2 | Roman villa at The Chesters, Woolaston |
118.3 | Bulwarks Camp oppidum, on R Wye | |
118.4 | Roman villa at Boughspring, Tidenham, on R Wye |
118.5 | Roman camp at Killcrow Hill, Sudbrook |
119 | Sudbrook oppidum and Roman port, on R Severn | |
119.1 | Venta Silurum | Caerwent |
120 | Isca Silurum, on R Isca | Caerleon, on R Usk |
120.1 | Tredegar oppidum, on R Usk | |
121 | Tamion? Tamium? | Cardiff |
121.1 | Roman villa at Llandough, The Vale of Glamorgan | |
122 | Roman villa at Cold Knap, Barry |
122.1 | Nash Point Camp oppidum | |
122.2 | Dunraven oppidum | |
123 | Roman villa at Dan-y-Graig, Porthcawl, near Bridgend |
123.1 | Port Talbot | |
124 | Nido, Nidum | Neath, on R Neath |
124.1 | Roman villa at Oystermouth, Mumbles | |
124.2 | The Knave oppidum, Deborah’s Hole Camp | |
124.3 | Burry Holms oppidum | |
125 | Leucarum, on R Leuca | Loughor, on R Loughor |
125.1 | Roman villa at Abercyfor, Cwmffrwd | |
126 | Moridunum, on R Tuvius | Carmarthen, on R Towy |
126.1 | Laugharne, on R Taf | |
126.2 | Roman villa at Trelissey, near Amroth | |
126.3 | Penally | |
127 | Greenala oppidum | |
127.1 | Flimston Castle oppidum | |
127.2 | Linney | |
127.3 | Victoria Bay oppidum, near Marloes | |
127.4 | Skomer island oppidum | |
127.5 | Tower Point oppidum | |
127.6 | Haverfordwest, on R Western Cleddau | |
127.7 | Porth y Rhaw, near Solva Harbour | |
127.8 | Castell Heinif oppdum, near Porthclais harbour |
127.9 | Saint David’s Head oppidum, near Porthmeigan beach | |
128 | St Nicholas | |
128.1 | Nevern, with Neolithic settlement at Pentre Ifan | |
128.2 | Penbryn | |
128.3 | Pendinas Lochtyn oppidum, near Llangranog | |
128.4 | Castell Bach oppidum | |
128.5 | Llanarth | |
128.6 | Roman fort at Trawsgoed, on R Ystwyth | |
128.7 | Roman villa at Abermagwr | |
129 | R Stuctia, Stoukkia | Aberrheidol Castle, on R Ystwyth |
129.1 | R Stuctia, Stoukkia | Pen Dinas, Dinas Maelor oppidum, Ceredigion, on R Ystwyth |
129.2 | Roman fort at Pen Llwyn, Dyfed, on R Rheidol | |
129.3 | Roman fortlet at Erglodd Farm | |
130 | Maglona? | Cefn-Caer Farm, Roman fort near Pennal, on R Dyfi |
130.1 | Castell y Gaer at Llwyngwril | |
131 | Birthdir Roman fort, on R Mawddach |
131.1 | Moel Goedog oppidum, near outlet of R Dwyryd | |
132 | R Tisobis | Roman villa at Tremadoc, on R Dwyryd |
132.1 | Llanystumdwy | |
133 | Castell Odo oppidum, at Aberdaron | |
133.1 | Craig y Dinas oppidum | |
134 | possible lighthouse at Dinas Dinlle |
135 | Segontium | possible lighthouse at Caernarfon |
135.1 | Dinas Dinorwig oppidum | |
135.2 | Caer Leb oppidum | |
135.3 | Castell Bryn Gwyn oppidum & Neolithic settlement at Bodowyr | |
136 | Aberffraw | |
137 | Mona insula | possible lighthouse at Caer y Twr on Holyhead Mountain, oppidum |
138 | Caer Gybi Roman fort | |
138.1 | Llanfaethlu | |
139 | Pen Bryn-Yr-Eglwys | |
139.1 | Din Lligwy oppidum | |
140 | Llanfihangel Din Sylwy, Bwrdd Arthur | |
140.1 | Llanfairfechan | |
141 | Canovium, Conovium | Caerhun Roman fort, on R Conwy |
141.1 | Castell Caer Seion, Lleion, Mynydd-Y-Dref, oppidum on Conwy Mountain |
141.2 | Great Orme Bronze Age copper mine, near Neolithic settlement at Snail Cave | |
141.3 | Bryn Euryn oppidum | |
141.4 | Towyn | |
142 | Varis, Varae? | Saint Asaph, Flintshire, on R Elwy |
142.1 | Neolithic settlement at Prestatyn, might have had a Roman port? |
142.2 | Oakenholt | |
143 | Deva Victrix, on R Deva | Chester, with rare remains of a Roman quaywall on R Dee |
143.1 | Heronbridge, on R Dee | |
143.2 | Fort Burton oppidum, on R Dee | |
143.3 | West Kirby | |
144 | Meols | |
144.1 | Roman fortlet at Ince on R Mersey | |
144.2 | Helsby Hill oppidum | |
144.3 | Condate | Northwich, on R Weaver |
145 | R Seteia | Wilderspool, on R Mersey |
146 | R Belisama | Walton le Dale, on R Ribble & R Darwen |
147 | Setantiorum portus | Possibly submerged North of Fleetwood? |
148 | Calunium | Lancaster Roman fort, on R Lune |
149 | Alauna? Alone? | Watercrook Roman fort |
150 | Monaoeda, Monobia, Manavia insula | Isle of Man |
150.1 | Cronk ny Merriu oppidum, on the isle of Man | |
150.2 | Close ny Chollagh oppidum, on the isle of Man | |
151 | Glannoventa, Glannaventa, Glannibanta, Cantiventi |
Ravenglass Roman fort and naval base |
152 | Itunocelum, Tunnocelum | Roman fort near Beckermet-Calder Bridge |
153 | Gabrosentum | Parton Roman fort, near Moresby |
154 | Magis | Burrow Walls Roman fort, near Seaton |
155 | Alauna, Alione | Roman fort at Maryport, with many fortlets on the Firth of Solway |
156 | Bibra, Bribra | Beckfoot Roman fort, near Beckfoot, on the Firth of Solway |
156.1 | Skinburness, on the Firth of Solway | |
157 | Portus Trucculensis? | Kirkbride, Angerton, on the Firth of Solway |
158 | Maia, Mais | Bowness on Solway, Roman fort at the West end of Hadrien’s wall |
158.1 | Port Carlisle | |
159 | Coggabata, Congavata, Concavata | Drumburgh Roman fort, on the Firth of Solway |
159.1 | Aballava | Burgh by Sands |
159.2 | Luguvalium, on R Ituna | Carlisle, on R Eden |
159.3 | Roman camp at Ruthwell, on the Firth of Solway | |
160 | R Noouius | Caerlaverock Roman fort, and Roman camp at Ward Law, and oppidum on R Nith |
161 | Dalbeattie, might have had a Roman port on R Urr? |
162 | Loucovium? On R Deva, Dewa, Deoua | Glenlochar Roman fort, on R Dee |
162.1 | Borness Batteries oppidum, near Brighouse Bay | |
162.2 | Castle Haven oppidum, in front of Murrays Isles | |
163 | Gatehouse of Fleet Roman fortlet | |
164 | R Iena? | Newton Stewart Roman fortlet, on R Cree |
164.1 | R Abravanus? | Bladnoch Roman fortlet, on R Bladnoch |
164.2 | Dinnans oppidums | |
164.3 | Burrow Head oppidum | |
164.4 | Barsalloch Point oppidum, Mochrum | |
164.5 | Stair Haven oppidum, near Luce Bay | |
164.6 | Glenluce Roman camp | |
165 | Stoneykirk | |
165.1 | Doon Castle oppidum, near Ardwell Bay | |
165.2 | Larbrax oppidum | |
166 | Rerigonium? | Stranraer |
166.1 | Teroy oppidum | |
167 | Girvan Mains Roman camps | |
168 | Roman fort at Lurg Moor, near Port Glasgow | |
168.1 | Credigone? on R Clota | Roman fort at Whitemoss Farm, near Bishopton, on R Clyde |
168.2 | Credigone? on R Clota | Roman fort at Old Kilpatrick, on R Clyde, western end of Antonine’s wall |
168.3 | Sheep Hill oppidum at Milton | |
168.4 | Carman oppidum, near R Leven | |
168.5 | Dunagoil oppidum | |
169 | Clota in Hiverione | Isle of Arran, in the Firth of Clyde near Glasgow |
169.1 | Carradale Point oppidum | |
169.2 | Dun Skeig oppidum | |
170 | Dunadd, on R Add | |
170.1 | Rikina, Riginia insula? Himba? | Loch Tarbert, on the isle of Jura, southern Hebrides |
170.2 | Aebudae insulae | Port Ellen, on isle of Islay, southern Hebrides |
171 | Erin, Ierne, Ivernia, Hibernia, Hivernione, Insula Sacra | Ireland, with many hillforts on the south, west and north coasts, most of them are small and on promontory cliff-tops without harbour ; We selected the ones with a nautical shelter |
171.01 | Drumanagh, oppidum | |
171.02 | Silumnus, Limnos insula? | Lambay island, oppidum |
171.03 | Andros insula | Howth Head, oppidum |
171.04 | Dalkey island | |
171.05 | R Modonnos? | Ballybuckley, on R Slaney |
171.06 | An Duinin, Ballymore West, oppidum, near Ventry Harbour | |
171.07 | Lohercannan, Knockanacuig, oppidum, near Tralee | |
171.08 | Barrow , oppidum | |
171.09 | Knockadoon Fort, Clenagh, oppidum, on R Shannon | |
171.10 | Doontrusk, oppidum | |
171.11 | Knoxspark, oppidum, on R Ballysadare | |
171.12 | Dungravenen, Townparks, oppidum, on R Erne | |
171.13 | Doire Leathan, Derrylahan, oppidum | |
171.14 | Cashel, Gort An Choirce, oppidum, on R Glenna | |
171.15 | Tullynavinn, oppidum, on R Roe | |
171.16 | Lurigethan, Layd, oppidum, between R Dall and R Waterfoot | |
171.17 | Knockdhu, Carncastle, oppidum | |
171.18 | Lyles Hill, Ballymartin, oppidum | |
171.19 | Cathedral Hill, Downpatrick, oppidum, on R Quoile | |
171.20 | Knockagh, oppidum, and two other forts, on R Castletown | |
171.21 | Newgrange, Neolithic settlement, on R Boyne |