Ancient Ports in continental Greece

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Ancient port mentioned by ancient author(s)

Ancient port mentioned by modern author(s) only

Potential ancient harbour, from a nautical point of view

NB Ancient name Modern name
1537 Kato Aetos
1538 Port of Kestria? Pagania
1539 Torone, Lygaria, port of Pyrgos Ragiou Ormiskos Valtou
1540 Igoumenitsa
1540.1 Roman villa at Petrelaia, Ladichori
1541 Phaskomelia Faskomilia, Platarias
1542 Sybota and Sybota insulae Nisida Agios and Nisida Syvota, islands in front of Sivota
1543 Elina near Karavostasi
1544 Port of Toryne, possible meeting place of Odysseus and Nausicaa Parga
1545 Elaias Limen, port of Ephyre in Elea of Thesprotis, on R Acheron, south of Cheimerion, Chimerion, Chimerium Prom. Amoudia, at the outlet of R Acheron, port of Mesopotamo, south of Cape Sarakiniko
1545.1 Glykys-Limen, Glucus? Ormos Kerentzas
1546 Elatria Riza
1547 Berenike of Epira Kastrosikia
1548 Nicopolis Aziaca, Nikopolis (Augustus’ victory monument) Paleopreveza
1549 Comare, Komaros, Small Comarus Port, port of Nicopolis Mytikas, just North of the Ambracian gulf, Amvrakikós kólpos, anchorage for Octavian’s fleet at Actium
1550 Grand Port Comarus, port of Nicopolis Alkisonos-Nikopolis
1551 Margarona bay, Ormos Vathy, near Preveza, in the Ambracian gulf
1552 Roman villa at Strongyli
1553 Bouchetion, Buchetium Kastro Rogon, on R Louros
1554 Port of Ambrakia, Ambracie, on R Arachthus Phidokastro, near Arta on R Arachthos
1555 Agrilies, port of Idomene Maior & Minor Roman fort at Agriliais, Paleo Pyrgo, near Menidhion
1556 Roman fort at Ellenikouli
1557 Metropolis near Anoixiatiko
1558 Olpae, Olpes, on R Charadra Agrilovouni hill, near Arapis Beach
1559 Argos Amphilochikon, Amphilochicum Amphilochiko Argos, now inland
1560 Krenai, Crenae, the Wells Paliavli hill, near Mpoukka
1561 Limnaea Amfilochia
1562 Sarandiniko, near Loutraki
1563 Drymos, port of Thyrreion? Paliokklesi
1564 Euripos? Rouga
1565 Herakleia? port of Echinus Vonitsa, Bonditza
1566 Isle of Kephalos
1567 Anaktorion, Anactorium near Nea Kamarina, anchorage for Antonius’ fleet at Actium
1568 Actium, Aktion, Akte famous naval battle in front of the outlet of the Ambracian gulf, with 10 commemorative seized ships placed in sheds
1569 Roman fort at Vigla
1570 Leukas isthmus, with Dioryktos canal probably near Agia Mavra, Santa Maura Venetian castle
1570.1 Dioryktos near Peratia
1570.2 Agios Giorgios fort at Plagia?
1571 Roman fort at Kastri Lithies, near Lugia beach
1572 Roman fort at Phagia
1573 Vathi Vali
1574 Varko
1575 Port of Sollion, Solium, port of ancient Palairos Pogonia, near modern Palairos, Roman fort at Kakavoula
1575.1 Heroon near Mytikas
1576 Hieros Limen, Herakleous, Port of Alyzia Mytikas
1577 Kastellaki
1578 Karnos insula Roman fort at Xylokastro, near Episkopi, on the isle of Kalamos
1579 Echinae insulae several shelters between Alyzia and Oeniades, probably in the Echinades islands
1580 Port of Astakos, Astaque Astakos, Astaque, in Dragamesti bay
1581 Agios Pandeleimona, with submerged BA settlement at Limani Astakou
1581.1 Artemita insula, at outlet of R Achelous Khounovina, near outlet of R Achelous
1581.2 Doulichion, Dulichium, Dulichia, Dolicha Probably Koutsilaris, a former island now connected to mainland, another option was the isle of Lefkada
1582 Oxeiai, Oxia insula, possible Siren islands, no stopover for Odysseus Isle of Oxeia
1583 Nasos insula Portes Skoupas? now inland
1584 Oiniadae, Oiniades, Œniades, Oeniades, Oenee, Trikardo insula, North port on Lacus Melite Katoxi, Trikardo, now inland
1585 Oiniadae, Oiniades, Œniades, Oeniades, Oenee, Trikardo insula, possible South port on R Acheloos Katoxi, Trikardo, now inland, on R Aspropotamos
1586 Ithoria Agias Ilias
1586.1 Elaos Ithoria Kefalovriso
1587 Treis Ekklesies, near Aitoliko
1588 Palaia Pleuron Gyphtokastro, near Mesolongion
1589 Halikyrna Khilia Spitia
1590 Calydon, port of Mycenaean Thermos? on R Evenos Evinochori, in front of Patras, on R Evinos
1591 Chalcis, Chalkeia, Halkia, Hypochalkis East of Kato Vasiliki
1592 Makyneia Macynea
1592.1 Antirrhion, Molycrian Rhium Antirion, Antirrion
1593 Port of Naupaktos, Naupactus, Naupacte, near outlet of R Daphnos Lepanto, Lepante, on R Mornos
1594 Erythrai? Port of Eupalion Monastiraki, near Efpalio
1595 Oeneon, Oineon Skaloma, near Klima Efpalio
1596 Polis, Glypha near Glyfada
1597 Nisis Trizonia
1598 Agios Spyridon, port of Kallithea
1599 Oiantheia, Oeantheia, Euantheia Paralia Tolofona
1600 Erateini
1601 Phaistinos, Phaestus, Port of Phaestian Apollo Panormos
1602 Tolophon, Tolphon near Agioi Pantes
1603 Chaleion Galaxidi
1603.1 Agios Demetrios islet, with slipway
1604 Itea, on R Hylaithos Itea, on R Skitsa
1605 Kirrha, Kirra, port of Krisa (port of Delphi and Amphissa, Homer’s Crissa) Magoula Xeropigadas, near Chrisso, on R Pleistos
1606 Antikyra, Anticyre Antikyra
1607 Medeon Agios Nikolaos
1608 Pharygium Prom. Cape Mounta
1609 Mychos, Mychus, port of Bulis? Revitheika
1610 Bulis, Boulis near Zalitza
1611 Chorsiai Chostia, near Saranti
1612 Thisbe Thisvi
1613 Siphae, Siphai, Siphe, Sifas, Tipha Alyki
1614 Kreusis, Creusis, Creuse, Creusa, port of Thespies and Eutresis, on R Oeroe Livadostra, on R Livadostras
1615 Port of Aigosthena, Aegosthene Porto Germeno
1616 Panormos Psatha, near Megaris
1617 Pagae, Pagai, Pegae, Peges Alepochori
1617.1 Aigeiros? Aris? port of Pagae? Egirousa
1617.2 Oinoe, Oenoe, Geraneia? near Agia Sotira
1617.3 Heraion, Heraea, Hera Limenia, Peiraion, Peraia, near Lake Eschatiotis Perachora, near Limni Vouliagmenis
1617.4 Eschatiotis lacus, possibly an ancient port depending on existence of a canal to the sea Limni Vouliagmenis
1617.5 Therme Loutraki?
1617.6 Sidous Sousaki
1617.7 Kremmyon, Krommyon, Crommyon near Agio Theodori
1618 Minoa Roman fort at Pachi
1618.1 Nisa, Nisaea, Nisee (port of Megare, Megara) Agios Giorgios, near Megara
1619 Roman fort at Trikerata, Loutropyrgos
1620 Eleusis Elefsina
1621 Kopros South of airport runway
1622 Thria Aspropyrgos
1622.1 R Rheitoi, the Brooks R Reitoi, Koumoundourou lake, near Skaramagas
1623 Boudoron, Budorium, Budore Roman fort near Steno, on the isle of Salamis
1624 Kanakia Kanakia, on the isle of Salamis
1625 Kolones Kolones, on the isle of Salamis
1626 Salamis, Salamine Bay of Ambelaki, on the isle of Salamis
1626.1 Sileniai Kinosoura
1626.2 Psyttalia insula Isle of Psyttaleia
1627 Phoron Limen, Foron, Port des fraudeurs, Thieves’ Harbour Keratsini
1627.1 Krommydarous Krommydarous’ bay, Piraeus
1627.2 Kophos Limen Le Piree, The Piraeus
1627.3 Choma Limen Le Piree, The Piraeus
1628 Piraeus, Le Piree, Kantharos, Gantharus (port of Athens, Kranaoi) Le Piree, The Piraeus, with a possible lighthouse at Themistocles’ tomb
1629 Zea, Phreatto? Le Piree, The Piraeus
1630 Munychia, Munychie, Monychia Mounikhias, Mikrolimano, with possibly one lighthouse on each breakwater
1631 Phaleron, Phalara, Phalerura, Phalere, archaic port of Athens Phaleron, Paleo Faliro
1632 Halimous, at cape Kolias Agios Kosmas, near Athens airport
1633 Aixone near Glifadha
1634 Zostera, Zosteros, near Zoster Prom. Vouliagmeni
1635 Phabra insula Isle of Fleves
1636 Anagyros Vari
1637 Pontikonisi Nisaki, Dounis Island, at Agios Demetrios beach, near Agia Marina
1638 Aigilia? Phoinikia
1639 Anaphlystos, Hyphormus portus? Palaia Phokaia, near Anavissos
1640 Atene Roman fort near Charakas
1641 Patroklou Charax Isle of Patroklos
1641.1 Kolonai Sounion
1642 Sunium, Sunion Prom. Sounion, most southerly point of the Attic, with steep slipway
1643 Sunium, Sounion Limen Passalimani
1644 Porthmos Silver melting kilns at Pounta Zeza
1644 Panormos Lavrio Olympic Marina
1645 Laureion, Laurion silver mines near Lavrio
1646 Thoricos, Thorikos, on R Potamos Agios Nikolaos, near Frangolimano
1647 Deiradiotai islet near Daskaleio
1648 Prasiai, Prasies Prasies, with Roman fort at Koroni
1649 Raphtes Aylaki, Limen Mesogaias
1650 Steiria, Stira Porto Rafti, with Mycenaean tombs at Perati
1651 Philaidai, Brauronia, Brauron Vravrona, at the outlet of R Erasinos
1652 Halae Araphenides, Artemis Loutsa
1653 Araphen Askitario, near Raphina, Rafina
1654 Myrrinoutta & Phegaia, Rhegea? Kregea? near Nea Makri, with submerged BA settlement
1655 Herakleion, port of Marathon Plasi, near Marathon
1656 Kynosoura Roman fort at Kynosoura
1657 Rhamnous, Rhamnonte near Grammatiko
1658 Rhamnous east port near Grammatiko
1659 Rhamnous west port near Grammatiko
1660 Psaphis? Agioi Apostoloi
1661 Hieros-limen, Sacred Port, Delphinium Kamaraki-Vlastos
1662 Oropos, Orope, port of Tanagra Skala Oropou
1663 Delion, Delium Delesi
1664 Graia? Paralia Avlidos
1665 Bathys Limen, Port Profond, Deep Port Megalo Vathi
1666 Aulis, port of Thebes, Thebai, and, with Bathys Limen, gathering place for the armada of 1200 ships before leaving for the Trojan War Mikro Vathi
1667 Hyria Dramesi, near Chalkis
1668 Chaleia near Agios Minas
1669 Salganeus Panagitsa Drosias
1670 Anthedon Anthidona
1671 Phokai Skroponeria
1672 Larymna Larimna
1673 Halai, Halae, on Opountian gulf Theologos, on bay of Atalanti
1674 Isle of Mitrou, near Tragana, with BA settlement
1674.1 Anastasis? port of Oponte, Opus? Kastraki, near Nisis Gaidharos island
1675 Atalanta insula Isle of Atalantonisi
1676 Atameus, Kalliaros, port of Oponte, Opus Skala Atalandis?
1677 Kynos, Cynus near Livanates
1678 Alope near Achladi
1679 Daphnous Agios Konstantinos
1680 Knemis Roman fort near Asproneri
1681 port of Thronium Roman fort near Kainourgio
1682 port of Scarphia, Scarphea Trochala, near Skarfia
1683 Nicaea, Nikaia near Molos
1684 Alpenos, Alponon, Alpone Kolonos, near Agia Triada
1685 Pyles, Pylaia, Thermopylae Pyles, Thermopyles
1686 Herakleia Trachinia, on R Asopos near Iraklia, on R Asopos
1686.1 Anthele Anthili
1687 Sosthenis Vardates
1688 Antikyra, on R Spercheios Komma, on R Sperkheios
1689 Lamia Lamia
1690 Phalara Stilida
1691 Echinus Achinos
1691.1 Gardikia Hetera Gardikion, Paralia Pelasgias
1692 Euboea, Makris insula Isle of Eubea, Evia
1693 Dion near Lichada
1694 Athenai Diades? near Loutra Gialtra
1695 Aedepsus Loutra Edipsou
1696 Orobiai North of Rovies
1697 Elymnion, Limne Limni
1698 Aigai, Aegae near Politika
1699 Manika Roman fort at Manika
1700 Chalkis, Chalcis, Calchis, on Euripus strait, possible Charybdis where Odysseus sailed Liani Ammos, North of Chalkis, on Euripe strait, with submerged BA settlement
1701 Chalkis, Chalcis, Calchis, on Euripus strait, possible Charybdis where Odysseus sailed Agios Stefanos, South of Chalkis, on Euripe strait
1702 Boeotiae Aulis insula Pasas island, in front of Aulis
1703 Argoura, near R Lelantos West of Lefkanti, near R Lilas
1703.1 Heroon, near R Lelantos Lefkandi, in the Lelantine Plain, near R Lilas
1703.2 Xeropolis East of Lefkanti
1703.3 Chytroi? Linovrochi
1704 Eretria, Erithra, Eretrie Eretria, with Roman fort
1704.1 Eretria inner port? Eretria, near Church of Panagia Paravouniotissa
1704.2 Magoula
1705 Amarynthos Amarinthos, with Artemision, on R Sarandapotamos
1706 Porthmos Karavos, near Aliveri
1706.1 Panagitsa Pounta
1707 Boufalo, Voufalo
1707.1 Almyropotamos, with quarry at Myrtia
1707.2 Kaballiane insula Isle of Kavalliani
1707.3 Aegilia, Egilia insula Stouronisi, Styra island
1708 Port of Styra Quarry at Nea Styra
1708.1 Pyrgos Nymboriou Nimborio
1709 Marmarion Marmari, behind the Petalio islands
1710 Petalioi, Petaliae insulae Petalio islands
1710.1 Plakari
1711 Karistos, Caryste, Kregeas Karystos
1712 Quarry near Vigles
1713 Geraestos, Geraistos, Gereste Kastri, near the southern tip of Evia
1714 Archampolis, near cape Caphereus, Cathereus, Caphareo Archamboli, near cape Cafireas, Cavo d’Oro
1715 Philagra Roman fort at Philagra, near Giannitsi
1716 Dossas walls/td> Limnionas, Tsakaloi
1717 Mourteri
1717.1 Teleidai Stomio beach, on R Manikiotes
1718 Port of Oichalia Platana, near Ano Potamia, on R Melas
1718.1 Kymi Koumi
1719 Khili, Sidera, at Cape Koumi
1720 Kerinthos, Cerinthus, on R Boudoros Kria Vrisi, near Kirinthos, on R Voudoros
1721 Agios Vasileios islet
1722 Poseidion near Vasilika
1723 Helleniko, Ellenika Ellinika, with Neolithic settlement
1724 Port of Artemision, Artemisium Artemisio, at the northern tip of Evia
1725 Histiaia, Hestaia, Persee Oraioi, with 900 m (?) breakwater acc. to Lehmann-Hartleben
1726 Orea, Oreos, Horeus Oraioi
1726.1 Vigla
1727 Kherronisi
1728 Ormos Vathikelon
1729 Antrones Fanos
1730 Pteleon, Pteleos Naval base at Achilleion
1731 Pteleon, Pteleos near Lichoura
1732 Pteleon, Pteleos Loutro
1733 Pteleon, Pteleos Pigadi
1734 Nies, with submerged BA settlement
1735 Amaliapolis
1736 Port of Halos, Halus, Almyros Port Surbi, near Almiros
1737 Pyrasos, port of Thebai Phthiotides, Phthie, Demetrion Nea Anchialos, Aghialos marina
1738 Demetrion? near Marathos
1739 Amphanae? Soros
1740 Demetrias, Demetriade, Demetrium Aivaliotika
1741 Demetrias South port Alykes, near R Aligarorema
1742 Demetrias Tarsanas Pefkakia
1743 Demetrias North port Aivaliotika, on R Xirias
1743.1 Pagasai, Pagases, port of Pherae, on R Anauros outlet of R Xirias
1744 Aison, archaic Iolcos, Iolkos? Dimini, with Neolithic settlement
1745 Port of Iolcus Palaia Kastro, Volos
1746 Goritsa & Ormenium Goritsa
1747 Lechonia, Liconia, port of Methone & archaic Neleia Platanidia
1748 Methone? Ano Lechonas
1749 Korakai, Korope, Corope, port of Milies Kala Nera
1750 Korakaipyrgos, Palaiopyrgos Afyssos
1751 Lephokastro
1752 Spalauthra, Spalathra Chorto
1753 Milina
1754 Olizon north, near Euthia insula, Tisai? Ormos Valtoudi, near Alatas, Halatas island
1754.1 Kottai Kottes
1754.2 Kikynethos, Cicynethus insula Agia Sofia, on the isle of Paleo Trikeri
1754.3 Mylos Roman fortlet at Agia Kyriaki
1755 Olizon south near Chondri Ammos beach
1756 Aphetai, Aphetes (jetty of the argonauts) Platania? at the southern tip of Magnesia
1756.1 Sepias, Myrae Prom. Agios Georgios Sagora, Katigiorgis
1757 Thaumakia? Theotokos church, near Liri
1758 Landing beach of the Persian fleet in 480 BC Chorefto beach, is the only beach between Sepias and Castanea as described by Herodotus
1758.1 Hellenistic fort at Cape Pouri
1758.2 Ipnoi? Coastal caves south of Veneto
1759 Castanea, Kasthaneia Kamari, near Keramidi
1760 Melivoia Polidendri
1761 Verliki Velika
1762 Rhizous, Rizus Paliouria
1763 Koutsoupia
1764 Eurymenai near Kokkino Nero
1765 Homolion, on R Pineios, Peneus, port of Larissa? Omolio, on R Pinios, near the bridge of Petrogefyro
1766 Phila near Pyrgetos?
1767 Herakleion Neoi Poroi, near Platamonas
1768 Leibethra Leptokarya?
1769 Pimpleia South of Dion
1770 Dium, Dion Dium, Dion
1771 Pydna, Kitros Palio Kitros, Archea Pidna, on the Gulf of Salonika
1772 Methone in Emathia, on R Haliakmon Nea Agathoupoli, on R Aliakmonas
1772.1 Methone (Macedonian city) in Emathia, on R Haliakmon Nea Agathoupoli, on R Aliakmonas
1773 Aloros, on R Loudias Kypseli, on R Loudias, Mavroneri
1773.1 Acerdos Meliki
1773.2 Aigai Aigeai, Vergina
1773.3 Berroia, Beroia Veroia
1773.4 Mieza between Lefkadia and Kopanos
1773.5 Skydra near Arseni
1773.6 Euboia, Dausara near Sevastiana
1773.7 Kyrros near Aravissos
1773.8 Genderros near Milotopos?
1774 Pella in Emathia Pella, river port in the gulf of Salonika
1774.1 Phakos insula South of Pella
1774.2 Ichnai near Kouphalia?
1774.3 Allante Nea Chalkidonia?
1775 Gephyra, on R Axios Gefyra, on R Vardar
1775.1 Herakleia? SE of Gefyra
1775.2 Chalastra, on R Axius Chalastra, on R Axios
1776 Ad Decimum near Anchialos
1777 Sindos, on R Echedoros Sindos, on R Gallikos
1778 Thessalonica, Thessalonique, Salonique, Hellenistic naval base? Byzantine port of Constantin? Thessaloniki, Vardari fortress, near Burrow harbour
1778.1 Thessalonica, Thessalonique, Salonique, Ekklesiastiki skala, Hellenistic commercial port? Thessaloniki, east of the White Tower
1779 Therme, Kellarion Mikron Emvolon, near Kalamaria in Thessaloniki’s suburbs
1780 Rhaikelos East of Peraia
1781 Aineia, Aenea Nea Michaniona
1782 Smila near Epanomi
1783 Skapsa, Kampsa South of Epanomi
1784 Gigonos Nea Iraklia
1784.1 Stomion Nea Kallikratea
1785 Dikaia Nea Kallikratea
1786 Aisa, Haisa, Lisai, port of Antigoneia of Chalkidiki? East of Nea Kallikratea
1787 Bryai, Brea Bergia
1788 Kombreia near Nea Plagia
1789 Lipaxos near Nea Moudania
1790 Sane Kap Pyrgos, Pirgos Sani
1790.1 Simantro Beach
1791 Posideion Prom. Posidi
1792 Mendis, Mende Kalandra
1793 Skione Skioni
1793.1 Loutra, Lutra
1794 Therambos, Thrambos Chrusu, Chrousou, near Paliouri, in the gulf of Kassandra =  Toronic gulf
1795 Aige, Aege near Glarokavos
1796 Neapolis Polykhrono
1797 Ismaros, Ismara, Parthenion, Phalesina Solenas, Solina, near Kallithea
1797.1 Ammon Zeus Kallithea
1798 Aphytis Afytos
1799 Potidaia, Potidee, Kassandreia, Cassandrea, on Pallene, Pallene, Phlegra peninsula Nea Poteidaia, on Halkidiki, Chalcidique peninsula
1800 Mecyberna, Mekyberna, Mecyperne, port and arsenal of Olynthos Kalyves, on the Toronic gulf
1801 Sermylia, Sermyle near Ormylia
1801.1 Xilenios Pyrgos Kastamoniti
1802 Galepsos, Galepsus Nikiti
1802.1 Mpalampani, Neos Marmaras
1802.2 Kochi, near Porto Karras, with Neolithic settlement
1803 Torone Lekythos, south of Toroni, on the Toronic gulf
1804 Kophos, Kophon Porto Koufo
1805 Ampelos, north of Derrhis, Derris Prom. Ptolemy locates Ambelos at 10′ of latitude north of Derrhis (modern Cape Ambelos), possibly at Kalamitsi
1806 Koukos near Sykia
1807 Sarte Sarti
1808 Ormos Mesopanayia
1809 Ormos Kriftos
1810 Ormos Dhimitriaki
1811 Ormos Panayia
1812 Siggos, Singus Livrochio, near Agios Nikolaos
1813 Piloros, Pilorus Pyrgadikia
1814 Palaiopyrgos, near Pyrgos Chiliadous
1815 Assa, Assera Develiki, near Gomati
1816 Sane, Ouranoupolis? near Xerxes’ canal Tripiti, near Nea Roda
1816.1 Amuliane Ammuliani
1816.2 Ouranoupolis, Uranupolis Uranoupoli
1817 Thyssos, Thyssus Skala Zographou, near the Kastamonitou monastery
1818 Palaiotrion, Palaiorion near the Dochiariou monastery?
1819 Cleonae, Kleonai, port of Karyes Dhafni, Daphne
1820 Ports of Mount Athos ? near Mount Athos
1821 Port of Akrothooi, Apollonia? near Megisti Lavra, Megiste Laura monastery
1822 Galeagra Kaliagra
1823 Charadries, Charadrou near Stavronikita monastery
1824 Holophyxos, Olophyxos near Chelandariou monastery
1825 Dion Ormos Plati
1826 Akanthos, Acanthos, Hierissos, port of the Acanthians Limani Ierissou, Ierissos, on the Strymonic gulf
1826.1 Stratonikeia, Stratonion Startoni
1827 Stageira, Stagire, Alapta? Stageira
1828 Kapros, port of Stageira, Port du Sanglier Olympias, from the name of Kafkanas, Kapros islet which has a boar’s shape
1828.1 Kaukanades insula Isle of Kafkanas
1829 Bromiskos, Bromiscus, port of Arethousa and Apollonia on Bolbe lacus Stavros
1829.1 Fortlet at Tripimeni Petra, near Vrasna
1830 Pennana Asprovalta?
1831 Argilos, Argilus Sikia
1832 Eion, Chrysopolis,port of Amphipolis, on R Strymon Kaledes, near Ofriniou
1833 Galepsos, Galepsus, port of Phagres near Kariani
1834 Loutra Eleutheron Roman fort at Loutra Eleutheron
1835 Apollonia Pyrgos Apollonias
1836 Oisyme, Oesyme, Emathia, Anaktoropolis Nea Peramos, on Ormos Elevtheron
1837 Heraklitsa Iraklitsa
1838 Antisara Kalamitsa?
1839 Neapolis, Christoupolis Kavala, in Macedonia
1839.1 Skapta Hyle Nea Karvali
1840 Akontisma Nea Karvali
1841 Pistyros, not to be mixed up with a so-called Pistiros (?) located inland near Vetren Fortlet near Pontolivado, west of R Nestos delta
1842 Daton, on R Nestos Chrysopouli, in R Nestos delta
1843 Abdera, archaic northwest port, on ancient course of R Nestos Avdira, in Thrace, east of R Nestos delta
1843.1 Abdera, archaic northwest port, on ancient course of R Nestos Avdira, in Thrace, east of R Nestos delta
1844 Abdera, south port, on ancient course of R Nestos Avdira, in Thrace, east of R Nestos delta
1844.1 Abdera, south port, near ancient outlet of R Nestos Avdira, in Thrace, inside modern Limenas Avdiron marina
1844.2 Abdera, east port Avdira, in Thrace, at Agios Giannis
1845 Peritheorion, Poroi Poroi castle at Porto Lagos
1845.1 Anastasioupolis, on Lacus Bistonis Buru Kala, on R Kosynthos, near Lake Vistonis
1846 Dicaea, Dikaia, Dicee SE of Porto Lagos lagoon, near Xanthia
1847 Stryme, near R Lissos Stryme, Molyvoti, near R Lissos
1847.1 Ismaros, Ismara, near R Lissos Imeros? near R Lissos
1848 Maroneia, Maronee, Ismaros Agios Charalambos, South of Maroneia
1848.1 Synaxis Synaxis
1848.2 near Synaxis near Synaxis
1849 Mesembria, near Serreios Akra near Mesembria
1849.1 Zone near Mesembria
1850 Drys Mesembria
1851 Dikella Dikella
1852 Cyclops Cave Makri, Roman fort, with Neolithic settlement
1853 Sale Alexandroupoli
1853.1 Tempyra Near Apalos?
1854 Trajanopolis, Traianoupolis  Loutra Traianopolis
1855 Doriscos, Doris, on R Hebros Doriskos, on R Maritsa, Evros, Mariç