Ancient Ports in France

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Ancient port mentioned by ancient author(s)

Ancient port mentioned by modern author(s) only

Potential ancient harbour, from a nautical point of view

NB Ancient name Modern name
504 Vaganum Watten, on R Aa
504.1 Wolphus, near Zouafques, on R Hem
504.2 BA settlement at Les Rietz, Frethun
504.3 Neolithic settlement at Mont d’Hubert, Escalles, near Cap Blanc Nez
504.4 Le Chatelet beach, Tardinghen, near Wissant, Witzand?
504.5 Marcis Marquise, near marmor quarry, on R Slack
504.6 Wacquinghem-Offrethun, on R Slack
505 Bononia, Portus Bononiensis Boulogne, with ancient lighthouse La Tour d’Odre (partly eroded away by the sea in 1644), also called Tour de Caligula
506 Gesoriacum portus, Portus Gesoriacensis, Port of the Morins? Portus Itius? home port of Classis Britannica fleet Terrain Landrot, Brequerecque, Boulogne, on R Liane ; Grenier places Portus Itius further upstream at Isques
507 Epatiacus, Epatiaci, Aepatiaci portus unlocalized North of Boulogne
508 Portus Paulo Infra Le Portel
509 Port on R Quentia, later called Stapula, home port of Classis Sambrica fleet Grand’Place and rue de Montreuil, Etaples, on R Canche, with possible Roman fort beneath the dismantled Medieval castle (50.5123°N, 1.6462°E)
509.1 Outlet of R Quentia, Quantia La piece a Liards, on R Canche, Blanc-Pavé, Bergeries, Garennes & Bel-Air are just south of it
509.2 R Quentia Neolithic settlement at Les Sablins, near Etaples, on R Canche
509.3 R Quentia Mont Bagarre, near Etaples, on R Canche
509.4 Quentovic? on R Quentia La Calotterie, Attin, on R Canche
509.5 R Quentia Les Trente at Attin, and Camp Saint-Pierre at Beutin, on R Canche
510 Lintomagus Brimeux
511 Waben, Conchil-le-Temple, Nempont Saint-Firmin, Vron, Rue, Quend, at ancient outlet of R Authie
511.1 Le Crotoy
511.2 Saint Valerie sur Somme, famous for being the departure port of William the Conqueror in 1066
512 R Samara Roman villa at Port-le-Grand, on R Somme
513 R Samara Roman villa at Er, Entre Deux Bois, near Cambron, on R Somme
514 Roman villa at Lisiere du bois de Cise, near Ault
515 Catuslovius, Briga, on R Phrudis Bois l’Abbe, near Eu, on R Bresle
516 Oppidum at Cité des Limes, near Bracquemont
517 La Butte de Nolent, Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer
518 Canouville
519 Oppidum at Camp du Canada, near Fecamp
520 Oppidum at Les Fosses de Benouville, near Etretat
521 Caracotinum Harfleur, on R Lezarde
522 Camp de Cesar, Oppidum at Sandouville
523 R Sequana Oppidum at St Nicolas de la Taille, Tancarville, on R Seine
524 Port of Juliobona, on R Sequana Lillebonne, on R Seine
525 Loium, on R Sequana Mont Calidu, at Caudebec en Caux, on R Seine
525.1 R Sequana Oppidum at Fossé Saint-Philibert, at Yainville, also known as Meandre barre de Jumieges, on R Seine
525.2 R Sequana Oppidum at Camp du Catelier, at Saint Pierre de Varengeville, Duclair, on R Seine
525.3 Rotomagus, on R Sequana Rouen, on R Seine, Opera metro station, on R Seine
525.4 R Sequana Aizier, on R Seine
526 Oppidum at Saint Samson de la Roque, on R Risle
527 Blainville sur Orne, on R Dan
527.1 Mondeville
528 Catumagos Caen, on R Orne
529 Aregenua Vieux, South of Caen
530 Roman fortlet at Tombettes, at Saint Ursin, near Bernieres
531 Oppidum at La Campagne, near Basly
532 Tumulus at Colombiers, on R Seule
533 Roman fortlet at Banville, on R Seule
534 Port-en-Bessin-Huppain
535 Crociatonum, Crouciaconnum Carentan
536 Coriallum, Coriovallum Cherbourg
536.1 Urville-Nacqueville
537 Hague-Dick, Haguedic, long dike from north to south of the peninsula
538 Riduna insula The Nunnery, on Longis bay, on the Isle of Alderney, Aurigny
539 Sarmia insula Isle of Guernesey
540 Lisia, Lesia insula La Plaiderie at St Peter Port, Guernesey
541 Barsa insula Isle of Sark?
542 Caesarea,  Andium insula Isle of Jersey
543 Portbail
544 Abrincas, Ingena Avranches, on R See
545 Baguer Pican
546 Saint Meloir des Ondes
547 Oppidum at Pointe du Meinga
548 Reginca, Aletum Aleth near St Malo, with so-called “Grand bassin antique” which might be a fish tank
548.1 Roman villa at Langrolay sur Rance, on R Rance
549 Boissieres, near Taden, Dinan, on R Rance
550 Erquy
550.1 La Grandville, near Hillion
551 Le Legue, Saint Brieuc
552 Lannion and Ploulec’h, on R Leguer
553 Neolithic settlement, oppidum and Roman fort at Le Yaudet, on R Leguer
554 Hogolo, near Locquirec
555 Portus Saliocanus, Staliocane in the bay of Morlaix, Locquenole?with Neolithic settlement at Barnenez
556 Gorre-Bloue, Plouescat
557 Uxantis, Axantos, Portus Uxentinus, Uxisama insula Cromlech of Pen-ar-Lan, on the Isle of Ouessant, Ushant
557.1 Neolithic settlement at Beg ar Loued on the isle of Molene
558 Gesocribate, Osismis Brest, on R Penfeld
559 Landerneau, on R Elorn
559.1 Lagatjar, Neolithic settlement near Camaret-sur-Mer
560 Oppidum at Lostmarc’h, Crozon
560.1 Combrit, at the isle of l’Aber, large fish processing factory
560.2 Le Caon, near Telgruc, large fish processing factory
560.3 Pentrez, near Saint Nic, large fish processing factory
560.4 Goulit ar Guer, near Plomodiern, large fish processing factory
560.5 Trefeutec, near Plonevez-Porzay, large fish processing factory
560.6 Kervel, near Plonevez-Porzay, large fish processing factory
560.7 Les Plomarc’h, large fish processing factory, Douarnenez
560.8 Le Ris, large fish processing factory
560.9 Lanevry en Kerlaz, near Ploare, large fish processing factory
561 Is, Ys Oppidum and Roman fort at île Tristan island, large fish processing factories at rue du Guet & Port Rhu, Douarnenez
561.1 Pors Malvez, Kerandraon, fish processing factory
562 Oppidum at Castel Coz, near Beuzec
563 Roman fortlet at Le Castel, near Lesven
564 Neolithic settlement at Cap Sizun
565 Oppidum at Pointe de Castelmeur
566 Sina, Sena insula Isle of Sein
567 Roman fortlet at Penn An Enez, near Brigneoc’h
568 Audierne, on R Goyen, with several Roman fortlets
569 Roman villa at Pont Croix
570 Civitas Aquilonia, Portus Vindana? Oppidum at Locmaria, at Quimper, with several Roman fortlets
570.1 Fish processing at Kerobistin, near Benodet, on R Odet
571 Roman villa at Le Questel, near Concarneau
572 Oppidum at Kervedan, isle of Groix
573 Portus Vindana, Ouidana Port Louis near Lorient, on R Blavet
573.1 Le Resto at Lanester with fish processing, on R Blavet
574 Blabia Oppidum at Hennebont? on R Blavet
575 Roman villa at Mane Vechen, Bosseno, near Plouhinec, fish processing at La Falaise, Etel
575.1 Anse du Pô, Carnac, Neolithic settlement
576 Vindelis, Vindilis insula Isle of Belle-Ile
577 Siata insula Isle of Houat
578 Venetica,  Arica insula Isle of Hoedic?
579 Locmariaquer, Neolithic settlement
579.1 Isle of Gavrinis, Neolithic settlement
579.2 Several Roman villae at Arradon: Mane Bourgerel, Lodo, Keran
580 Darioritum, Benetis Porte Saint Patern, Vannes, capital city of the Venetes
581 Ouidana Limen Moulin de Pencastel
582 Cassiterides islands? Oestrymnides islands? Islands now inland at Penestin (?)
583 Brivates Portus, Blivida? Batz-Tremondet, near Le Croisic
584 Oppidum at Penchateau, near Le Pouliguen
585 Brivates Portus, Corbilon, Korbilon? Port des Deux Corbeaux? at outlet of R Liger Mean-Penhouet, at St Nazaire, on R Brivet, at outlet of R Loire
586 Condevicnum, Portus Namnetum, Port of the Namnetes? Nantes, at the outlet of R Erdre?
587 Ratiatum, port of the Pictons Reze, Chapelle Saint-Lupien, near Trentemoux
588 Port Sicor, Sikor Limen Prigny, Les Moutiers, near Bourgneuf
589 Portus Morinum on Samnitum insula, Hero insula Roman villa at Saint Hilaire, Port de Morin? on the isle of Noirmoutier
589.1 Ampennum Roman villa at Beauvoir sur mer, famous for its oysters, on former peninsula inside the marais Breton
589.2 La Caillaudière, at Pont Habert, near Sallertaine inside the marais Breton
590 Oppidum at Chatelet, with possible port at La Meule, 2.5 km east, on île d’Yeu island
591 Roman villa at Le Grand Essart, on R Payre, near Jard sur Mer
591.1 Roman fortlet near Le Breuil, Le Bernard
591.2 Port-Boinot, Niort, on R Sevre Niortaise
591.3 Novioritum Le Langon & Le Linaud, inside the marais Poitevin
591.4 Villa Liguriaco Gallo-Roman villa at Port-Fache, near Saint Sauveur d’Aunis
591.5 Nobiliaco Roman villa at La Mastine, near Nuaillé-d’Aunis
591.6 Roman villa at Motte castrale du Breuil-Bertin, Le Breuil, near Saint Ouen d’Aunis
592 Roman winery at Haut-Pampin, l’Houmeau, near Port du Plomb
592.1 Roman winery at Les Minimes, near La Rochelle
592.2 Roman villa at La Petite Aiguille, near Thaire d’Aunis, connected to Saint Sauveur area on marais Poitevin via Le Chiron, near Le Thou
593 Santonon Limen, Port des Santons Fouras? former island near Saintes, Santonon Limen also possibly at Tauniacum
593.1 Muro La Couture, near Muron, on the Marais de la Petite Flandre
593.2 Tauniacum, port of Mediolanum, Santonon Limen? on R Carantonus Tonnay-Charente, port of Saintes, on R Charentes
593.3 Roman villa at Le Chatelet, near Saint Agnant, on marais de Brouage, and several other villae between this one and Port des Barques
593.4 Roman winery at Le Renfermis, near Pere Maillard, near Soubise
593.5 Roman winery at Les Chapelles, near Port des Barques
593.6 Uliarius, Olario insula Roman winery at Pontheziere, near Saint Georges d’Oleron
594 Roman villa at Pepiron, near Mauzac, and several other villae on the ridge north of R Seudre
594.1 Roman camp at Toulon, west of Tour de Pirelonge, near Saujon on R Seudre
594.2 Roman winery at Belmont, near Royan
595 Novioregum Moulin du Fa, near Barzan
595.1 Vil Mortagne
596 Blauto, Blavia Santorum Blaye
597 Blacciarum Roman villa at Plassac
598 Burgus Roman villa at Gogues, near Bourg
599 Burdigala, on R Garumna, inner port Bordeaux, Porte Navigere, at the outlet of R Deveze, rue de la Devise
600 Burdigala, on R Garumna, outer port Bordeaux, Place de la Bourse, on R Garonne
601 Roman villa at Pauillac
601.1 Port of Noviomagus? Estey d’Un at Mapon, port of Brion, in Marais de Reysson at Saint Germain d’Esteuil
602 Roman villa at Bois Carre, near Tour Castillon
603 Dumnitonus Roman villa at Le Verdon sur Mer
604 Roman villa at Andernos les Bains
605 Boios, Boii, on R Signatis Horrea at Lamothe, on R Eyre, near Biganos, Arcachon, export of pitch
606 Losa Louse
607 Segosa Saint Paul en Born, near Mimizan
608 Mosconnum Mixe
609 Lapurdum, Lapurdunum, Lapurdo, Baiona, on R Aturius Bayonne, on R Adour
610 Cetariae? Guethary, fish processing unit
611 Cervaria Cerbere
612 Portus Veneris, Venus Port-Vendres
613 Caucholiberi, Cauco Illiberis Collioure
614 Illiberis, Castrum Helenae, near R Tichis Oppidum at Latour-Bas-Elne near St Cyprien, near R Tech
615 Ruscino, in Ruscinonensis area, on R Telis, Tetum Castel Rossello & Puig Soutre, in Roussillon area, on R Tet
615.1 Combusta, on R Sordus Rivesaltes, on R Agly
616 Salsulae Fons Salses le Château
617 Leuxos Leucate
618 Sainte Jeanne, near Port La Nouvelle
619 Pech Maho, near Sigean
620 on Lacus Rubresus, Rubrensis Oppidum at Castel-Illet, Le Moulin, near Peyriac de Mer, on Etang de Bages-Sigean
621 Narbo-Martius Narbonne, possibly at La Mediatheque, Saint Loup Ouest
622 Lac de Capelles, not a port but exceptional fish pond, on the Etang de Bages
623 Jetty of Port La Nautique, on the Etang de Bages
624 Mandirac training walls, Le Castelou, on the Etang de Bages
625 Kauco, Caucana, Piplas insulae? Lac de Cauquenes, possibly used only for the quarry on the isle of Sainte Lucie, near Port La Nouvelle
626 Piplas insulae? St Martin le bas, near Gruissan
627 Le Bouis, near Gruissan
627.1 Tintaine le Bas, near Gruissan
627.2 Tintaine le Haut, near Gruissan
628 La Boede, L’Oustalet, near Fleury
628.1 possible ancient course of R Orbis downstream of Baetera Les Jonquies, near Portiragnes, on a possible ancient course of R Orb downstream of Béziers
629 Agatha, on R Arauris Agde, La Perle Noire, river port, on R Herault
630 Roman villa at Embonne, Cap d’Agde, with submerged BA settlement in Etang de Luno
630.1 Saint Michel du Bagnas, on Etang du Bagnas, with amphora kilns
630.2 Montpenedre, near Marseillan, with submerged BA settlement
631 Mesua Meze, with submerged BA settlement at La Conque
632 Roman villa at Loupian
633 Polygium, Pozigium, on Lacus Taphrus, Taurum Bouzigues, on Etang de Thau
634 Balaruc les Bains, with submerged BA settlement at St Sauveur
635 Le Barrou, with submerged BA settlement La Fangade
636 Setius Sete
637 Magalona Maguelone
638 Lattara, Latera, on R Ledus Lattes, on R Lez, with ancient lighthouse
639 Portus Mas Desports
639.1 Q’Uella, Rhodanusia? Rhode? Le Cailar, Caylar
640 Psalmodi
640.1 Aigues Mortes, Le Grau du Roi, Le Grau de la Chevre, Medieval port on former Albaron-Daladel branch of R Rhone
640.2 Anglas, Anglars, Roman villa?
641 Rhodanusia? Rhode? L’Argentiere at Espeyran
642 Rhodanusia? Rhode? maritime port of Arelate, on Ostium Metapinum Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (also called Artemis because the saintes in question came from Ephesus where godin Artemis is worshiped), on former Saint Ferreol branch of R Rhone, now submerged offshore
643 Les Combettes
644 Le Carrelet
645 Mas de Cabassolle
646 Arelate, Arelas, Theline, on R Rhodanos Arles, on R Rhone
647 Mas de la Capeliere
648 Le Grand Parc, near Tour du Valat
649 Ulmet
650 Gradum Massalitanorum, Grau des Marseillais, Ostium Massalioticum, on R Rhodanos ancient outlet of R Rhone near Salin de Giraud, supposed to be at about 18 nautical miles from Arelates on the ancient Rhone d’Ulmet branch
651 Odoris insula La Roque d’Odor, a landmark for seafarers, now destroyed
652 Marius’ canal, Fossa Mariana, Fossae Marianae, Fosses Mariannes Canal connecting Fos to R Rhone, not yet precisely located
653 Statio Fossae Marianae? Near Stomalimne Fos marina, Anse St Gervais near Fos and etang de l’Estomac and digue de la Marronede
654 Oppidum at Castellan, near Istres
655 Ugium, Mastramela? Herakleia?? Oppidum at Saint Blaise (St Mitre les Remparts) on the “Ancien canal de Martigues”
656 Oppidum at Castillon, near Port de Bouc
657 this is not Heracleia Pointe de Vella, near necropolis and Roman villa of pointe de la Baumasse
658 Astromela, Mastramela Martigues, Quai Brescon on the island, with BA settlement at Albion
659 Maritima Avaticorum, Maritima Civitas Colonia? Tholon, near Martigues
659.1 Les Aymards-Couperigne, near Marignane
660 Dilis? Port des Laurons, breakwater near Roman villa of Semenes
661 Dilis? Port des Laurons, possible quay near Roman villa of Semenes
662 Dilis? Quarry at Pointe Baou Tailla
662.1 Dilis? Quarry at La Couronne Vieille
663 Oppidum at Tamaris
664 Sausset les Pins
665 Incaro Carry le Rouet
666 Massalia Graecorum, Lacydon Marseille, Vieux Port, place Jules Verne & place Villeneuve-Bargemon (see also nearby Musee des docks: Dolia warehouse)
667 Massalia Graecorum, Lacydon Marseille, Vieux Port, quays of the Corne du port antique
668 Calanque de l’ane, Pomegues (isles of Frioul)
669 Madrague de Montredon
670 Inmandras, Immandras Isle of Maïre: Port des Goudes, on the North side of Cap Croisette
671 Inmandras, Immandras Isle of Maïre: Callelongue, on the South side of Cap Croisette
672 Aemines, Hemines, Mines Sormiou, or Port Miou?
673 Calanque d’En-vau
674 Portus Milus Port Miou, Roman quarry
675 Carsicis Cassis
676 Citharista, Kitharistes, Zao La Ciotat, Ceyreste, with fish processing at Ile Verte island
677 Roman villa Les Baumelles, with possible fish tank at La Madrague, near St Cyr sur Mer
678 Mont-Garou, near Sanary
679 Tauroeis, Taurento, Tauroentum Le Brusc, Six Fours
679.1 Port St Pierre on Iles des Embiez
679 Plage de la Fosse, Le Brusc
681 Baie du Lazaret
682 Telone Martio, Telo Martius Toulon, ancient coastline on montée des horeia/place Besagne, rue Magnaque
683 Olbia, Pomponiana L’Almanarre near Hyeres, with salt production on the peninsula of Giens
684 Madrague de Giens
684.1 Aristaeus sanctuary Sanctuaire d’Aristée, near La Capte, Hyères
685 La Tour Fondue on the peninsula of Giens
686 Stoechadis, Stoechades, Stoichades, Stechades insulae: Prote, Mese, Hypaca Hyeres, islands: Isles of Porquerolles, of Port-Cros, of Levant
687 Pomponiana? Roman villa on Place d’Armes, Porquerolles village
688 Pointe du Lequin, plage Notre Dame (Porquerolles)
689 Pointe de La Galere (Porquerolles)
690 Anse du Breganconnet (Porquerolles)
691 Anse de La Palud (Port-Cros)
692 Petit Avis (Levant)
693 Pergantion Beach of Bregancon
694 Alconis Cavaliere
695 Pointe du Dattier (Cap Cavalaire)
696 Heraclia Caccabaria Cavalaire. Pliny, Hist Nat, 3, 5 mentions a Heraclee at the outlet of R Rhone, but the pointe Cavalaire is now generally accepted
697 Villa romana of Pardigon (Cavalaire & Croix Valmer)
698 bay of Bon-Porte (Ramatuelle)
699 Bay of Pampelone
700 Athenopolis St Tropez
701 Sinus Sambracitanus plagia Beach of the Golfe de St Tropez
701.1 Roman villa at La Gaillarde
702 Roman villa Le Reydissart on Lagune de Villepey, St Aygulf
703 Les Escaravatiers, near Puget sur Argens
703.1 Thermes de Villeneuve & Villa Romana, Roman camp in this area?
704 Forum Julii, Forum Julium, Claustra Maris Roman naval base at Frejus with one lighthouse at the Butte St Antoine and 3 landmarks: the Lanterne d’Auguste, the Triton Monument and the Lion de Mer islet in front of St Raphael
705 Portus Oxybiorum, Oxybius, Oxybios, Aegitna, Aigitna, Egitne Agay, East of St Raphael
706 Ad Horrea, on R Aprona St Cassien, near Mandelieu, on R Siagne
707 Vergoanum, on Lero insula Roman villa on the Isle of Ste Marguerite in the isles of Lerins, with ancient lighthouse of la Tour Ste Anne at the NW end of the island, and submerged BA settlement at Etang de Bateguier
707.1 Fish tank SE of Etang de Bateguier
708 Lerina, Planasia insula Roman villa on the Isle of St Honorat in the isles of Lerins
709 Bas-Lauvert, probable export site of garum (Antibes les Pins)
710 Plage de La Garoupe, probable shelter (Cap d’Antibes)
710.1 Fish tank at Antibes
711 Antipolis, Antion Antibes, in the Anse Saint Roch near the Fort Carre. The entrance to the ancient port was near the peninsula of the Fort Carre.
712 Vaugrenier shingle beach near Villeneuve Loubet, on via Julia Augusta, between outlets of R Brague and R Loup
713 Nicaea, Nikaïa, Nicia plagia Anse Saint Lambert, between the Pointe Rauba Capeu and the Ponchettes shingle beach of Nice
714 Olivula portus Villefranche
715 Anaone Beaulieu sur Mer
716 Avisione, Avisio Eze
717 Hercle Manico, Port Heracles, Portus Herculis Monoeci, Port d’Hercules Monoecus, Monoecus, Monoeque, Monoïkos Monaco. Unlike other authors, Ptolemy distinguishes « Herculis portus » and « Monoeci portus » East of Nice, and puts around 35 km between both of them
718 Lumo Roquebrune Cap Martin